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All it takes is one second of fear and adrenaline and everything changes

Abby watched in horror as the truck came speeding towards them, she wraps her arms around her sister, bracing for impact that only came in the form of a slight nudge.

Abby looked up confused, the truck had tipped on its side as if it had been pushed.

"Are you girls okay?" her mom asked looking back at them.

Lauren and Abby nodded still holding onto each other.

"I'm gonna check on the driver, Call 911."

Lauren shakily took out her phone quickly dialing.

"Yes I...I need to report a car accident."

'Oh fuck my leg' Abby heard a man's voice say, she froze looking back at the other car.

"He's hurt." She said to Lauren.

"Someone's hurt in the other car, I don't know how badly. We're at 25th and Park. Thank you." Lauren hung up still breathing heavily.

'Drunk of course.' Caitlin's voice rang in Abby's head 'Inconsiderate asshole.'

"I've never heard Mom swear before." Abby chuckled slightly.

Lauren looked at her confused "Mom hasn't said anything."

"She just-" Abby stopped her and Lauren sharing a look that said we need to talk.

Abby kept picking up on things that people weren't actually saying, she blocked it out the best she could, singing repetitive lines from a song in her head to drown out the other voices. Two hours later the Strucker girls were finally home, their Dad tucking them into bed in their shared room.

"Abby." Lauren whispered her voice shaky as she broke the suffocating silence surrounding them.

"Ren." Abby whispered back.

She heard the rustling of sheets as Lauren shuffled into Abby's bed resting her head on her sisters shoulder, "I pushed the car." Lauren said simply in a weak voice.

"I can read people's minds."Abby said lip quivering as she fought back tears.

"What do we do?"

"I don't know." Abby whispered hugging Lauren tightly.

The next morning the girls reluctantly walked out to the kitchen to where their Mom was cooking their favorite breakfast, French toast and hash browns.

"Hey girls." Caitlin said softly "I called you off school for today, cause I know last night was really jostling." She said placing plates in front of them. "I have to go to work in a bit, but don't be afraid to call me if you need anything and Dad said he'd try to be home early tonight." Caitlin kissed each girl on the top of their head before grabbing her keys and leaving.

The twins picked at their food in silence until Abby finally said "We're mutants." Lauren shushed her, "I'm just saying what we both are thinking and trust me I know what you're thinking."

"I know, I"

"Dad talked about a few cases where the damage was technically an accident because the mutants powers just suddenly manifested because they were under extreme stress. I'd say a 300 pound truck barreling towards us at 90 miles per hour falls under extreme stress."

"I just don't get it, how could we not have known."

"That's not how it works Ren, The how doesn't matter anymore. We're mutants the question is what do we do now?"

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