the Mutant underground

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2015: Four Weeks Later

"Gale?" a teen said tapping Abby on the shoulder, "The curator wants to see you."

Abby had been staying at a shelter for homeless teens for a week now, since her search for other mutants had hit a wall. She had hoped the shelter would have some others there but if some of the others were mutants they weren't telling, not that Abby blamed them, she hadn't told anyone of her abilities either, but she had gotten a bit better at controlling them to a certain degree at least she was able to turn off the voices.

Abby cautiously made her way to the curators office "Miss?" she said knocking on the door "Am I in trouble?"

Ms. Dumont looked up from the papers on her desk, covering them with her hands, " Not at all, please take a seat." she said with a soft smile. Abby sat in front of her desk resisting the urge to look into her head. Abby stiffened as someone closed the door behind her. "You're name isn't Gale Saunders is it?" she said simply. "It's Abigail Strucker," she uncovered the papers she had been looking at to reveal her missing persons poster. Abby gripped the arms of the chair tightly getting ready to bolt. "Honey you're not in trouble, I haven't called the cops yet, I just want to know why you ran away. If your parents are abusive-"

"They're not," Abby interrupted

"Then why did you run, if you're pregnant-"

"I'm not, my parents are some of the best a kid could ask for but I just couldn't stay anymore."


"I can't go back."

Ms. Dumont was silent for a few moments. "Abigail are you a mutant?" Abby's jaw tightened as she watched her pull out a small phone before writing something on a sticky note. "Take these." She said folding the paper and handing it to her. "Don't open it until you're alone. Get your things and start heading north."

Abby nodded quickly grabbing her bags leaving without saying a word to anyone. She walked a couple miles north until she reached an alley where she ducked in and opened the paper.

J.P - 356-986-672

She took out the disposable cell Ms. Dumont had given her and dialed the number.

"Hello?" a man answered "How did you get this number?"

"Um are you J.P? I was given your number, I think they thought you could help me. Can you?" She said shakily.

The man on the other end was silent.

"Listen if there's some sort of password I'm supposed to give you I don't have it, but I need your help. I've been looking for someone to help me with my powers for weeks now and this is the first lead I've had. I'm alone and I'm scared so please, please help me." She cried.

'There's a bar on 35th street, You'll know the one. I'll be there in ten minutes." J.P said before hanging up.

"You'll know the one, what hell is that supposed to mean?" she said frustrated before face palming "You can read minds dumbass."

As it would turn out there were several bars and lounges on 35th street. Abby looked in the window of every one of them peeking into the minds of the people inside looking for J.P. she finally came across a small rundown bar called 'Tex's Lounge'

"I know it's risky but she was beside herself, I had to check it out."

"You better not bring the feds to my bar John Proudstar."

'John Proudstar...J.P this must be it.' She slowly opened the door causing both men inside to look over at her.

"Sorry kid we only serve those of legal drinking age." The man behind the counter said gruffly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2019 ⏰

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