Jimin throws us into a different vehicle, a chauffeur driving us. The inside of the car is dark, a new leather smell filling the interior. Tinted windows with curtains add to the already mysterious atmosphere. He sits me on his lap, forcing me to watch whatever he does on his phone. He gets on social where all our pictures are posted on a fresh account, tagging my parents. Wait what? That's weird? He then starts dialing a number. "Now, I want you to be silent, unless I tell you to speak no matter what you hear, got it?" He asks, and I nod slowly, now I'm curious. He presses the green dial button. As soon as the dial tone sounds the person answers and I hear screaming. "Where's my baby! What have you done to her! Give her back you ............". 'That sounds like my mom'. Jimin giggles a little and replies calmly. "I've changed her so, you can have her back at ransom. Fifty thousand dollars and I'll consider it." He says. "If you've dared bonded to her I'll kill you so slowly that you'll wish you'd never been born." My father says. "No, no. I won't do that unless you don't give me the money. And if I don't have the money, I will be the one to kill you slowly. I have plenty of ways to. By the way, talk to the Hui's, they're in the same sticky situation." He says coldly, hanging up. He throws his phone lightly on the seat next to us. "What was that?" I ask him. He doesn't answer, so we just sit in cold silence, neon lights flashing through the tinted window. After what seems like forever in the awkward silence, the first car drops us off at an ally. His firm grip continues to pull us down an ally right next to the car. Another car is waiting for us and Jimin pulls me in it once again as I hear police sirens at the end of the ally that we just got out of. I grip Jimin's shirt when the police cars pass right by us. After a few minutes, the car we're in starts and we drive off. Shortly, we get dropped off at eerie, old looking trailer house and he pulls me around the side. Stuck into the ground is a door with chains wrapped all around it. If you weren't choosing to look closely, it would just look like a lump of dirt. Jimin shoves a blindfold on my face and ties it tightly, strands of my hair pulling into the knot. I try to walk behind him as he pulls me down stairs but my feet stop working, causing me to fall but Jimin catches me. If the world wasn't already black it might as well have been swirling in circular motions. He seems to sense my dizziness as he picks me up and my body hangs loosely. My focus goes in and out and time loses its measurement. All I hear is the faint sound of shoes on wooden stairs and then on concrete as the blood rushes to my head.
I wake with a start and I'm still being carried. My orientation is off a little but I'm better than before, I could probably form words. I don't try to speak though, I hear a door creak however. Jimin throws me onto what I assume is a large bed as I hear the mattress springs. He gets on top of me so fast that it's like he isn't human. My blind fold is ripped off and his intense stare hits me like a truck. His eyes seem red in the darkness of the room and his breathing is fast, the animal portrayed as he pants loudly. My eyes give myself away and he dives into my neck. He starts with quick hickeys, the wet suction of his lips causing a moan to burst from my mouth. Then, he bites, hard. I expected it to hurt but it doesn't, instead a feeling of euphoria bursts inside my veins. Whatever he's doing feels so good that I can't explain it, pure emotion is all it is.
I'm slowly brought into focus. Clutching my head in pain I groan. My senses come to life and they notice a warm, hard pillow holding onto my back. Wait, no, it's a person. Wait Jimin? 'What happened last night?' I think. I turn around to face him. Oh my lord, I think as I look down. "Where the hell are my clothes?" I whisper yell at myself while scanning the room for them. "Why do you like those clothes so much? You were eager to take them off earlier." Jimin mumbles, his eyes still closed. Groaning, I start to get up from the bed, only to have his long arms pull me back down as he snuggles into the crook of my neck. My neck? What was it that happened last night? Bits and pieces start falling back into my memory. "Aish! You did drug me!" I yell and try to push his chest away. This causes a laugh to come from him. "Not really, I just gave you something to make you a little more, hmm what's the word. Submissive, drowsy, in a trance, whatever you want to call it. I Call it easy prey. Now be quiet, I want to go back to sleep." He mumbles, almost incoherently, still with a smirk on his face though. I open my mouth to speak but his lips crash onto mine harshly and I shiver away. "Aish, that hurts." I say, causing a small giggle to come from him. He snuggles in closer, hinting at me to be quiet now. I know that I have to wait if I want to escape. I'm still not entirely sure what happened last night but it's sure as hell not what I wanted. Four years ago he was a friend, now he's just someone I used to know, I don't know anything about who he is now or what i'm even doing here.
It takes a few minutes, but finally his breathing lightens, and I slowly wiggle my way out of his grasp, replacing my body with a pillow. Quietly, I tip toe into his adjoining bathroom, grabbing a tee shirt on the way. I walk in and try to see what the damage is, but as soon as I see myself I gasp, covering my mouth to mute the noise. The reflection is not me, not the me that I know. My wide eyes are white, pure, untainted, grey/white. Although the color is different from the whites of my eyes. It's rimmed with grey specks and lined with grey as well. My hair is the same shade of white and my skin looks much paler than it used to. The only imperfection noticeable are two small pink dots on my neck, in line with a couple of purple patches. My knees grow weak and my vision goes blurry. The hard tile feels cold as my knees buckle and I lose consciousness.

ספרות חובביםP.jm ff. She stopped being friends with them a long time ago, she cut them off after what happened. But when they're forced back into her lives and she gets dragged into a whole new messy world, she has no choice but to forgive them. She didn't even...