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Few research I made and  I want to share with you  guys ..


Like wine, soju is meant to be consumed with food, and vice versa. “They have a word in Korea that we don’t have,” Hill says. “‘Anju,’ which means food that is specifically made to be consumed with alcohol.”

In addition to drinking it with food, the way it’s traditionally served is also important. You never pour your own soju; it’s always consumed as a communal drink. For the first drink, an older member in the group will pour some soju into a shot glass and hand it to you. You take that shot glass with two hands, turn your face to the side so you aren’t making eye contact with the person who handed you the glass, and shoot it. After the first drink, glasses are filled up whenever they’re empty, and people pass the bottle around the table. You can sip it if you want, but shooting it is more common.


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