Chapter 1

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You are standing near the shop and saw a best pair of couple T-shirts hanging over the shop of your taste. You are willing to buy those unique couple T-shirts for both (you and your boyfriend Jimin) where Jimin bought a couple hearted love pendant gifted you for the first anniversary of your Relationship.

It's been 2 years, the kind of Magic that fills the Air when Someone with Special Abilities to impress you and makes to feel extra-ordinary things to happen. The Love that lies in your heart and memories of shadows of him Lingering in your Soul which made you special and glamorous day-by-day. You are longing for his touch and his hug in times of hardness and difficulties you face on your daily routines.


You are Short-Tempered person because of that your boss often tried to fire you from his company. You tried in various companies to get a job and nothing gets smooth in our career.

You are Annoyed of your Career and personal life, you felt dejection. You are hopeless, upset and experienced Desolation which is a symptom to DEPRESSION.

You faced a lot of Physical Health issues like increased aches and pain in your heart and mainly you suffered from Insomnia. Moreover you started to Hate Yourself doesn't care about anything will happen to you.

Your friend noticed about your sickness and your low spirit, she personally visits you in alternate days, council you and recommended to listen to BTS songs. Now you are totally OBSESSED with BTS. Your Ultimate bias is "PARK JIMIN". You recovered fast than expected.

You started to learn KOREA LANGUAGE because of the BTS who made your existence is special.

Whenever you LOSE HOPE, you will listen to TWO! THREE! Song which makes your bitterness Sweet.

[ TWO! THREE!! Lyrics which stabbed in your heart

"It's Okay, now count one two three and forget
Forget all the sad memories, hold my hand and laugh
Let's hope that there are better days
If you believe in what I say, one two three
If you believe, one two three"... ]

After few months, you quit your job and started to run towards your passion. Finally you achieved it...
You are now working as BTS - STYLIST


Among top 15 competitive stylists, you are chosen as first in your first attempt itself. You are obliviously excited, hyperactive and day-dreaming about BTS all time, now it became TRUEEE...

You stepped into Big Hit Entertainment, the company who formed BTS.

A staff warmly welcomed you and guided you. You choked up when you heard a similar voice and you turned back with joy. You felt feverishness when you made eye contact with your bias and Cringe in front of him because you are drooling. Suddenly Jimin broke the silence, he initiated sarcastically with his crooked smile.
JIMIN: Hello Y/N (your name)....
(Your mind is blank and you are astonished. You want to respond him but you are gasping for air. The moment he called your name, you are frozen and felt like your soul left your body.)
*Internally Crying of Happiness*
YOU: .........
JIMIN: Are you Alright ... Y/N?
YOU: Oops , You caused me Goosebumps. Sorry for late response.
(You laughed in embarrassment. You cursed yourself internally.)
*How Foolish You Are, Shit *
(Suddenly the staff got a call and interrupted the conversation between you two.)
STAFF: Jiminah, Can you do me a favor? Are you free?
JIMIN: Yes, tell me Noona.
STAFF: Can you be her guide or else should I need to ask someone to guide her?
JIMIN: It's fine. I will take care, Noona.
(The moment he say he will take care , you are like the snow flurry hit you which caused your entire body to shiver and cold.)
STAFF: Thank You, Jiminah. How sweet you are!
(Staff pated Jimin shoulder warmly with a light smile and left immediately before Jimin was about to say Welcome. Now you and Jimin left alone. Your Heart beats faster and you are almost wet. Jimin is speechless because you continuously stare at him. Jimin waited for you to speak voluntarily and you waited for Jimin to make his first move but nothing works out. You both look at each other face for few minutes and there was extreme silence prevailed in the environment. Jimin began to talk to you.)
JIMIN: Let's Go!! And Thanks for Joining Us.
(He said with his PLUMPY LIPS and his crescent-shaped eye smiled at you. You giggled shamelessly.)
YOU: I'm the LUCKIEST PERSON in this World to be your STYLIST and you smiled at him softly.
JIMIN: Aww Cute. You are not Korean or American. You....
JIMIN: Wow you speak Korea so well. I'm impressed and I was trying to ask you this first.
(This time he smiled widely and makes your heart to tremble.)
*IMPRESSED he said .You screamed INTERNALLY even JIMIN could hear your inner scream*

YOU: Thank you Chimmy.
JIMIN: Welcome. This 1st floor has 2 auditorium halls and GENIUS LAB.
YOU: Wow .GENIUUUSSS LAAABBBBUU, SUGA'S practice room right.
(You shout in excitement. Jimin calmly listened to you and nodded his head. You became shy all of sudden.)
JIMIN: This is 2nd floor. Here is our dorm. Left room is shared by JIN HYUNG and SUGA HYUNG which has a big shelf in between their beds.
Right side is JUNGKOOK room. I and HOBI HYUNG share the room next to JUNGKOOK. I think all members are taking rest well.
(You both are standing near staircase and Jimin explains about the room details.)
YOU: Great, Why don't you take rest?
JIMIN: It's fine, May be later.
(You are worried because Jimin is little tired but he pretends to be fine. You felt proud of your bias even though he is tired and little exhausted, he want to be your guide.)
YOU: Please do it for me. I'm worried.
(You pour out your thoughts openly to Jimin.)
JIMIN: Okay before that 3rd floor is our dance practice studio and you can see the few staffs there get help from them .BYE... Y/N Let's meet tomorrow.
(He left you and you feel emptiness surrounded you. You miss him so badly at the first met itself. You went to 3rd floor to collect your Employee ID Card and you left the company.)


This is first time I'm Writing Wattpad Story, I hope you GUYS!! like it...

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