Chapter 2

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You decided to stay in your aunt house for few days. So you packed all your stuffs. You made a call to your aunt and informed about your visit in beforehand.

You felt exhausted and you are lazy to prepare dinner only for yourself, so you slept with empty-stomach. You can't able to sleep at all it's not because of empty-stomach, it's because of JIMIN. You experienced so many new things today which made you feel you are born newly and it's so refreshing as he spoke too friendly.

You got up so early in the morning before the alarm rung. You decided to go for a walk in the park near to your apartment. You were in Tartan navy blue Pajama and you don't want to change it. You stepped out of your apartment after brushing your teeth. You didn't bother or think of washing your face. You went out with the messy Ponytail.

You relaxed there in park. You sat on the wooden chair in the park entrance and your eyes are watering because you miss your parents in real world.

It's been 2 year they left you alone in this bitch world and you kept yourself busy with the things you do but every time you pause, you still think of them .

Raindrops suddenly kissing my cheeks which became a hurricane of a flood of tears. Indeed lately the moment made chill down my spine. You look around telling yourself that "I'm not alone" and slowing closing your eyes eavesdropping towards the calm Rain music soothing melody ...

Those Little drops of water fall from the sky and mingle with your tears and soon it turns to heavy rain. You didn't move at all because you know that parents are watching you from Heaven and blessing you with shower . The most important thing they thought you is how to get along with people without THEM.

You stand here TODAY - in the SHADOW of THEM because of their willingness to sacrifice you in their part of the life .


(You made a call to your Mom to pick you from HOSTEL. She attends the call and forgets to cut the call after the conversation got over. You are about to cut the call but you heard your father voice and stayed on line.)

FATHER: "Tell our daughter she is BEAUTIFUL , make sure she knows that she is also STRONG, SMART and CAPABLE of DOING ANYTHING ."

(You cried and dropped you mobile as soon as you heard those words. You are too emotional and somehow you made your mindset to go to abroad to make your Master's degree. Your father's words gave you strength in persuading your goals.)

MOM: Sure ... It's gonna be late and I need to drop her to the Airport and she made a call .

FATHER: Okay make sure to make me a call when you reached the Airport. I'm gonna miss her .


YOU: Appa , I'm going to get boyfriend soon .

FATHER: Whaaattt!!??

YOU: Because most of my friend has one. Why not me?

I too want one .

FATHER: You will get Boyfriend only when "PIG FLY ".

YOU: No I will get one after I complete my degree .


YOU: Appa, "I May Find my PRINCE but You Will Always be my KING" .

(Your father couldn't hold his laughter anymore and filled the room with his cackle.)

You delicately smiled looking back your past without even knowing you are wet because of Rain.

These memories made your heart melt and resulted in priceless happiness tears.

"Something is different today,

The sky is calm Gray...

The cool breeze was like Wrapping you with delight ...

Comforting you with a warm hug...

Caressed your hair and promised I'm with you ... (a voice echoed )

You smiled .....".
The rain stopped and to your surprise you spotted JIN with his umbrella. You are not interested to follow him. So many good memories flashed in front of you, which made you feel better. JIN seems to be looking at you but you have been into the deep thoughts and didn't bother about him. Even if it would be Jimin you wouldn't react at that time. You checked the time and it's late. You rushed out of the park without knowing you dropped your watch over there .

You took stream bath, feels so good and active. You thanked God for the morning visuals happened in park. You feel so happy and alive than before .

You are ready to leave your house before that you made a call to your aunt and told her you will be there within 20 minutes. You took the main Luggage and personal items on Carry-On-Bag .You checked twice before leaving the house. You locked your apartment, thanked the house owner for renting and returned key to the owner .

"Growing up means leaving home and becoming a self supporting adult. I think this the hardest task of any human, I Guess ..."

Lastly you looked at your rented home and said FAREWELL to it.

Real family does not come from your blood. It is the people standing beside you ...
I personally need to thank all my supportive readers.
Thanks for being with me...
See you soon with another UPDATE...

With Love Always HaJiWi

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