Chapter 7

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             You couldn’t move at all. Sudden embrace and his soothing words hardly hit you; you broke out sobs of rainy tears. His chin rested on your head. His smaller arms clenched you tighter.

YOU: Leave me…
(Your voice chocked)

JIMIN: I will never leave you!!  I PROMISE.

(Heaviness stroked your stomach, your heart flutters on hearing those melody words sounds like the rhythm of Rejoice.)

That hug seriously lowered your stress hormone and turned it to “OXYTOCIN” , a “LOVE DRUG”.

YOU: Chimmyyy...

JIMIN: Shuuuu……… Don’t talk. Stay Together.

(You felt his arms on you like a Shield of love to protect you. A hug is like a warm motherly embrace. You are like a chocolate wrapped with Jimin wrapper. You totally sunk in his warmer side.)
“Warmer his presence,
  Brighter your Future
(Power came. Lights are already on. Jimin took his hands that snaked in your shoulders. You are scared because some public people would have recognized and noticed both of you which will have a direct impact on his career and on his reputation. So, you cautiously looked around you maintaining a few footsteps distance away from him and to your surprise, nobody is around you. Jimin laughed placing his hand on his mouth. You turned your body facing him straight and wiping your overflown tears on your cheeks. You didn’t stop staring him. Your eyes are locked with his eyes. )

YOU: What??
(You asked him with a dead stare and funny broken tone which made him laugh louder.)

JIMIN: Nothing.
(He said in sarcastically way and smirked.)

YOU: No, something is strange here. See, nobody is present in this dining hall except us. 

JIMIN: Lol… I already booked this entire hall.

YOU: For what??  Anybody coming??

(He placed his hand on your right ear corner and whispered something into your ear as if telling secrets. He blabbered fast and you couldn’t get it.)

YOU: Pardon??

JIMIN: Don’t tell anyone about this, just between us… okay??

YOU: Heyyyy …. I told I didn’t get you, Chimmy.

JIMIN: But I already told you… You must be more careful about listening to that stuff. Huh…

YOU: Chimmy, stop fooling me… It’s Rude…
(You pleaded to reveal the secret).

JIMIN: Let’s finish off the dinner first. What do you want to have?

(Jimin slowly pulls a chair for you to make you sit and took his seat opposite to you)

YOU: Stew Kimchi Jjigae and rice.Also BIBIM GUKSU (비빔국수)

(Kimchi-jjigae (김치찌개) or kimchi stew is a jjigae, or stew-like Korean dish, made with kimchi and other ingredients, such as scallions, onions, diced tofu, pork, and seafood. (Pork and seafood are generally not used in the same recipe.) It is one of the most common jjigae in Korea. According to me, Kimchi tastes like pickle.  This   BIBIM GUKSU (비빔국수) is a light soba noodle salad dish. Its loaded with leafy greens and seasoned with spicy, sweet and tangy Korean chilli dressing.)

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