Chapter Eight

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(A/N) Helllo young chaps. I’m suffering from some serious writers block. So it’s my B if this chapter is short and complete shit. I have no lead on where this is going but let’s hope for the best. WHOLY SHIT I JUST THOUGHT OF AN IDEA. Omfg that’s so weird, I’m gunna get to writing now.

Aria’s POV

It’s a couple of weeks into the tour now, and Christmas is next week. The tour is going along quite nicely, at a couple of shows Harry makes me sing on stage. I don’t really mind going on stage anymore; I kind of enjoy the feedback I get from the fans.

Oh yeah, ever since Harry announced we were together that night at the concert I’ve gotten a lot of love, and I’ve gotten a lot of hate. I don’t understand how people can say such mean things to me, they don’t even know me. I know jealousy can be a horrible thing but shouldn’t they be happy for Harry? I don’t know. It just doesn’t make sense to me.

Anyways we are in California right now and the boys don’t have a concert tonight so we decided to go out to the local club. It was about 8 O’clock and I decided to get ready for the club.

I put on a tight white dress that fits my curves perfectly (dress on the side). I put on some light makeup and curled my hair so it flows down my shoulders elegantly.

As I was putting on my silver pumps Harry walked into my room. He was wearing black jeans with a white V-neck and his dog chains with white converses.

 I could smell his Bleu de Chanel cologne from across the room. The sweet smell of his cologne that I loved so much; whenever I inhaled it I felt as if I was home and safe.

“Ready to go babe?” He asked me with a smirk.

“Yep” I replied popping the P

“Everyone is waiting for us in the lobby” He informed me and we headed down stairs.

I was greeted by 6 pairs of arms engulfing me in a massive bear hug. When we were done with our hellos we headed towards the parking lot. Niall, Liz, Liam and Rose took one cab and Zayn, Louis, Harry and I took another considering we couldn’t all fit in one.

We arrived at Le Deux at about 10:30, none of us have ever been to this club but we heard it was good.

As we walked in Harry headed straight to the bar.

Harry’s POV

“Do you want anything sexy?” I asked Aria, she looked absolutely beautiful tonight.

“A Strawberry Daiquiri with vodka instead of rum please baby” She begged me, I could never say no to her.

I ordered her drink and a beer for myself. When the guy gave me the drinks I brought them back to the table where everyone was sitting. Aria grabbed the drink out of my hand and gave me a peck on the cheek.

We all talked for a little while, having a laugh.

“Do you want to dance?” Aria asked me in a sweet tone.

“In a little bit, I’m going to get another drink.” I said getting up to head towards the bar.

“Ok well the rest of us are going to dance, meet me out there.” She said with a wink.

I went to the bar and ordered myself another drink, and another and another. I had lost count by now.

I looked over towards the crowd of people that were grinding up on each other. I scanned the crowed until my eyes fixed on Aria; she was grinding her bum onto Zayn’s crotch. I was infuriated, she was mine and Zayn out of all people aren’t allowed to dance with her like that.

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