Chapter Thirteen

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(A/N) Hello loves! Well please don’t hate me for this chapter! But what do you think is going to happen next? Is harry going to be forgiving or no? Hmmm cliff hanger ;).

Thank all of you sooo much for the votes and reads and comments! I love you all so much you have no idea! Mwah xxxxx

Aria’s POV

I lay in bed re-reading the message I received from Harry two weeks ago.

I miss you already baby and it hasn’t even been five minutes since I left you. I never thought I could love someone as much as I love you, but it happened. And knowing that I won’t be able to see you for another three weeks kills me inside. But promise me one thing babe? In the period of these three weeks don’t go off with some douche bag and forget about me please? Aha, I know you won’t anyways because you’re all mine. God, I don’t know how I’m suppose to survive without you but these weeks will fly by I promise. The plane is taking off now so I have to shut my phone off. I’ll call you when I land. I love you so much Aria, always and forever babe, me and you.

- Harry (: .x

I’ve been miserable these past two weeks. I am nothing without Harry, all I do is sit home and weep. It’s so hard not having him by my side every minute of the day.

“Get out of bed you lazy bum!” Rose screamed ripping the covers off of my body.

“No!” I grumbled burying my face in the pillows.

“Harry’s coming in one week!” She sang. I immediately lifted my head and smiled. One week is all I had to wait until Harry was in my arms again.

“Now get dressed, we’re going out tonight.” She told me. I groaned again.

“Do I have to go?” I whined

“Yes. Now get dressed we’re going to a club.”

I groaned and got up to take a shower. I thought that maybe if I get completely hammered tonight it will help this week go by faster. After showering I did my hair into loose curls and put on some makeup. I slipped into a little black dress with some black pumps.

I walked downstairs and saw Rose and Liz waiting for me.

“It’s about time you got ready.” Liz said. I looked at the time, 10:45pm?! Have I slept all day long?

“Well I’m ready now so let’s go.” I rolled my eyes.

We arrived at the club and there was a pretty long line to get in but since each of us were dating a member of One Direction, everyone knew who we were and we got to cut the line.

I felt bad for all the people who had to wait on that long line, it’s not like I was the famous one. I mean yeah a lot of people knew who I was and I had a pretty good voice but I didn’t have a record deal or anything.

I walked into the club and headed straight towards the bar with Rose and Liz close behind me.

I continuously ordered shots until I could barely walk straight. I felt like dancing so I dragged my two best friends onto the dance floor with me. I began to sway my hips to the music. I could feel the beat of the base pulsating through my body.

Suddenly I felt a pair hands grab my waist and I pulled away saying “I have a boyfriend asshole.”

“And I have a girlfriend babe” The voice chuckled into my ear.

I turned around to punch the kid in the face but I stopped myself when I say a smirking Zayn.

“Zayn!” I said trying to playfully hit him but I completely missed.

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