Chapter Fourteen

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(A/N) OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! guys im soooooooo sorry! It’s been like a month since I’ve updated and I feel horrible! But the hurricane messed up my internet and everything omg I’m soo sorry! But I saw a psychic and she told me I was also a psychic and that the guy im like in love with likes me back! :))))) But I’ll be updating more often now that everything is back to normal! Don’t hate for this chapter pleas D: Don’t forget to vote and comment!!! J <3

Harry’s POV

Zayn didn’t answer me, just looked at the ground. I grew furious with him for not even acknowledging me.

“Zayn, answer the question.” I said sternly walking towards him.

“I- uh- erm-“ Zayn stuttered as I got closer to him. “I can explain.” He managed to choke out.

I put my hands on his shoulders and my face in his “Explain then. Explain why you are in MY GIRLFIREND’S apartment in just your underwear. Explain why MY GIRLFRIEND is in her panties and reeks of your scent. Go on, explain Zayn.”

Zayn mumbled something that I couldn’t hear.

“What?” I questioned.

“We were drunk.” He said more clearly avoided eye contact.

“And what happened when you were drunk?” I asked him already knowing the answer.

“We uh, yeah..” Zayn trailed off at the end.

I took my hands off his shoulders only to smash my fist in his face. Zayn fell to the ground and cupped his face.

“I’m sorry mate, I didn’t know what I was doing.” Zayn told me but I didn’t care.

“Fuck you Zayn, go to hell.” I told him turning to head for the door.

“Harry wait!” Aria screamed grabbing onto my arm.

I turned to look at her, then turned around and shook her off me.

“Don’t touch me Aria.” I said my voice cracking when her name came out of my mouth.

I exited her apartment and went into the street to find my rental car. When I located it I sat in the seat and looked myself in the mirror. My once vibrant green eyes are now dull and lifeless, my skin has now turned pale and I looked sick. I stared at my reflection watching as the salty liquids run down my cheek. I hadn’t even noticed I was crying until now.

I rested my head on the steering wheel, because I was in no state to drive. Replaying thoughts occurred in my head, thoughts of Zayn and Aria being together sickened me. She was mine, she was my world, and I needed her. I loved her, I do love her.

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing, I groaned and pulled it out of my pocket. It was management.

“Hello?” I spoke through the phone.

“Hi Harry, we have a Skype date in thirty.” They said and then hung up.

I groaned and banged my hands against the steering wheel. Gripping onto the steering wheel tightly, causing my knuckles to turn white, I drove off to the nearest hotel. When I arrived I booked a room and headed up the elevator. I got into my room and set my stuff down taking my laptop out of my over packed suite case.

I turned my computer on and logged on to Skype, immediately the men from management were calling me, I accepted the call.

The image popped up on my screen with four angry looking men.

“Can you explain these Harry?” One of the men that I never bothered to learn his name said holding up a magazine with the headlines “Styles’ girl cheating with the next hottest member?” and a picture of Aria and Zayn dancing together at a club.

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