Hidden Feelings - Stone Gossard

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I am just about to head out to do some grocery-shopping when my phone starts ringing.

"(Y/N), here." I say when I answer the call.

"Hey little one, you free?" It's Eddie.

I smile, even though he can't see me, "I'm just about to do some shopping, but I'm free later? You guys in the studio again?"

He tells me they, indeed, are and after a couple of minutes it's decided that I'll do the shopping and drop by afterwards.

I'm back home, dropping off the groceries, in no-time and grab my purse before heading out again. This time to the boys' self-made studio in Jeff's garage.

I walk into the garage without knocking, we never knock, actually. Before heading into the actual studio, I take off my coat and drop my purse on a table.

"There she is!" Mike exclaims as I walk into the studio, a smile on my face. "Hey boys."

"Hey little one." Eddie says, once again calling me by the nickname they gave me. Only because I'm a tad bit younger than they are.

I greet them all with a hug, as friends do. But when I reach Stone, I feel myself starting to get nervous. I don't even know why, ever since a couple of months I've been starting to get nervous around him. He's been one of my best friends for ages, I never used to get nervous. I guess the fact that I started developing feelings for him now tends to make me nervous.

"Hey there pretty girl," he says with a teasing tone before wrapping his arms around me. His nickname for me makes me blush and I hear some whispers from the other guys. "Hey Steno," I eventually say back. For some reason, Stone becomes flustered as well.

"Let's get to it alright, last song for today." Jeff states and Stone and I immediately part. It is only then that I realise we were still wrapped in each others embrace.

The song goes very smoothly, they only have to do it over once before it's completely done. "Thanks for today, guys. We've really made progress." Jeff tells his bandmates.

I clap as they all cheer at their success and at the new songs. They're all so happy and I can't help but feel so proud of them.

"We couldn't have done it without you, Princess." Stone exclaims before wrapping his arm around my shoulders, "Though you did distract me with your beauty a couple of times." he adds the last sentence in a whisper so that only I can hear it.

I freeze for a second, before I feel myself going as red as ever once again.

The other guys don't seem to notice, or either don't care, Stone's declaration. They all reach for their stuff.

"Well, let's get going now." Matt says while making his way over to the exit. The guys, except for Stone, follow him.

I'm about to walk over to grab my stuff too, when Stone takes ahold of my arm, "Wait a sec, (Y/N). I want to talk to you about something." he says and I nod, getting flustered all over again.

"Make sure to lock the garage, Stone." Jeff says before throwing the keys in Stone's direction, which he catches without any trouble.

The guys are all gone before I can say even as much as 'goodbye' to them. Stone's ruffling through some records in the back of the studio and I decide to head over to him, curious as to what he wants to talk about.

"You wanted to talk?" I ask softly. His head snaps up from the records to meet my eyes.

He puts on a record, which is now playing softly in the background, and moves over to me. Taking ahold of my hands with his, "Eh- yeah I did."

I look at him and gesture for him to go on. When he doesn't go on immediately I gently squeeze his hands for comfort.

"Alright, I'm just gonna say it, 'cause it's been- well, not killing me, but I need to get it out.." he stumbles over his own words and he keeps quiet after.

"It can't be that ba-" I'm cut off by soft lips being placed on mine. I close my eyes immediately, melting under Stone's touch. I move my hands from his to his neck, playing with his hair. I can feel him sigh against my lips. His hands start moving up and down on my sides and eventually come to a still on my waist.

He gently asks permission, with his tongue sliding across my lips, for me to open my mouth. I open my lips and soon his tongues enters my mouth and gently discovers my mouth.

The kiss last for a while and when we part, we're both out of air. I lean my head against Stone's shoulder while he wraps his arms completely around my waist, leaning his head on top of mine and placing a gentle kiss there.

"What I wanted to say is that I like you. And not just as a friend. I like you as so much more than that, (Y/N). All the flirting was just me trying to cover up my feelings by acting like an idiot. But every comment I made, is true. You are a pretty girl, you are a princess to me, and you definitelydid distract me while we were playing the song."

I lean back to finally meet his eyes, "I'm glad you think so, I like you too, Stone. As much more than a friend. And I'm glad you just made the first move, 'cause I'm way too shy for that. I wanted to tell you before, multiple times, but I always seemed to chicken out..."

At that we both chuckle.

Stone leans in once more and our lips connect once more. This time it doesn't last very long, unfortunately.

"Let's go get some dinner, yeah?" he says and I nod, "I'd love to."

Stone offers me his hand as soon as we've both put on our coats and grabbed our stuff. I take it with a smile on my face and move closer to him when we're walking outside, afterStone locks the garage door of course..

I press myself into his side and he laughs at the gesture, but wraps his arm around me nonetheless, placing a loving kiss on my cheek before entering a random restaurant.

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