Chapter 20: Finishing Things in Present Harrisville

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After spending half an hour on the train, ten minutes waiting for the bus, and five minutes on the bus, they watched as the sky turned from gold into a mixture of lavender and dark purple. It wasn't until they arrived at Harrisville that the stars started to come out and although they wanted so badly to free at least one statue here, they knew it wouldn't be good to go forward blindly without a plan.

"Let's just head up to the house, eat dinner, and get some rest. Tomorrow, we'll have the whole day to plan things out."

Not wanting to see if the risk of Terror Time existed in a small place like Harrisville, everyone agreed to the plan and they headed up to the house. They politely greeted Lucy and Kelly, explaining that they had been spending the day helping someone up in San Fantasico, which was technically true, and although they would've prefered to head home, they found that it was simplier to just stay the night in Harrisville and continue on their way home the next day. Thankfully, no other questions were asked and after they had dinner, everyone retired to where they were going to sleep.

Hopefully, an idea will come to us while we sleep...


The next morning, they got up, got dressed in their regular outfits, and ate breakfast.

"Oh, Nate, Katie. We're going to get some things that belonged to your grandfathers. I'm sure you'll be interested in them."

"Oh, thanks! Do you need us to help you get them?"

"It's alright, it's just a few small boxes. You three go spend some time outside until lunch."

The kids helped clean up and when they were finished, they went outside and started whispering among themselves. Kelly and Lucy went to a small shed towards the back of the house near and opened the door, which gave out the squeak associated with years of being unused. They walked in and found what they were looking for and sighed sadly.

"I hope they can put these to good use..."


As they walked to the river where Faux Kappa's statue was, they talked for a bit, but no one had managed to come up with a decent plan to free Gnomey and to explain his statue's disappearance to Nate and Katie's grandmothers.

"We'll have to leave him for last unless we can think of something..."

As much as they hated the idea, they knew that it was the only thing they could do until an idea would come to them. The group walked along the trees in silence, finding it hard to believe that there had been more Yo-kai roaming the area decades ago and now they would be lucky if they could even get a glimpse of a new Yo-kai that was native to Harrisville.

Curse the Wicked Yo-kai...

They eventually reached Faux Kappa's statue near the river and Whisper, who had been looking through the trees at the time, looked at the statue and did the usual routine of sprinkling the Rock-Away Extract on the statue and they watched the statue start to glow.


Faux Kappa's Flashback:

He hummed as he wrapped some fishing line around his trusty water bottle and put some weights on it to make it easier for it to sink and gather water. He threw the line into the river and he gleefully watched as the bottle sank. He started to reel the bottle back towards him, only to realize that he might have made a mistake in making the bottle heavier. Just as he realized this, the fishing line snapped and he saw his precious water bottle trapped at the bottom of the river.

"This shouldn't be a problem. I'll just dive in and..."

However, as he was about to dive in, the top of his head dried up, and in typical kappa fashion, he was stuck in place, which made him remember why he had tied his water bottle to his fishing line and tossed it out into the river in the first place.

Yo-kai Watch 2: The Yo-kai War (Book 2 of the Rewrite Series)Where stories live. Discover now