4. Fight

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I ran through towns, cities for what felt like weeks maybe months. 

Looking at a sign I saw the words 'Gotham City.' I walked by an empty store, and saw my self in the window.

My messy multicolored black hair was long and unkempt. My icy cold blue eyes were blood shot and black circles rimmed them.

'First things first need new clothes,' he thought as he looked at his tattered ones

I walked some more, but then I came upon a convenience store. Looking inside; I saw no one.

I jiggled the door handle. The door wouldn't open so I broke the glass. I unlocked the door from the inside and opened the door; I walked inside.

I took a white hoodie, a black leather jacket to put over it. Grabbing a pair of gray cargo pants, and black steel toed boots. Also I took a black mask to cover my face.

Going to the cash register; I took a wad of cash. It was full of ones and fives, not to draw any arrention to myself.

Running outside the store, the alarm was tripped. I ran faster right into a quiet alley.

I found an abandoned apartment outside the city where I slept for the night. I stayed there for a couple of months.

I was walking around the city, when a man started running towards me. He punched me in the gut and I fell to the ground. 

"Give me your money kid," he said

"I don't have any money, bitch." I got up off the ground, I had a black eye.

"What did you just call me," he asked

"You heard me."

He ran towards me again going for my face, but I grabbed his fist. I punched him hard in his face and he hit the hard ground. The guy got up and I saw he had a bloody nose.

"You are gonna pay for that bud," he said as he got up

"Am I?" I punched him in the gut, but he came back swinging. He punched me in the face making my already black eye swollen. 

He rammed into me making me fall to the ground, kept on punching me in the face.

I brought my fist to his face, it collided. He was thrown into a wall and slid to the ground.

I got up off the ground and my face was swollen. My good eye was red and the other one was swollen shut. My lip was cut open and was gushing blood.

I went to go sock him until someone grabbed my shoulder. I turned around an I saw... Batman?

"What the hell *cough* are you doing here bat jerk?"

"I came to take you home," Batman said

"Home? I never had one of those," Danny said, voice cracking

"You can now," he stuck out his hand

"...." I took his hand and he pulled me up

"Let's go home kid," he pressed a button on his key chain

A car drove up the top opened up and Batman jumped in and I reluctantly followed. 



And always

See ya'll next time

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