I woke up in a white hospital bed in a white room. I looked down and I was also wearing a white hospital.
Shit -I hate the damn color white. I got off the bed and looked around. Alone in the dreadful white room.
It reminded me of the facility I use to be tortured and starved in.
Memories of the way I was tortured, starved, and abused. I was reminded of my mum's pain stricken face after all those years of me being gone.
I could take it no longer. I burst into tears, and crumpled to the ground on my knees.
I repositioned my self where I was sitting on the ground. I scooted myself to tbe wall, and brought my knees to my chest.
I started rocking back and forth while sobbing. All the memories were flooding back full force. A thought crosses my mind
-I wish I were dead.
I cried and cried, I couldn't stop. I curled up into a ball, finally calming down a bit.
I uncurled my body and just laid there on my back. Starring up at the ceiling, the white and bleak ceiling.
I wish the ceiling were black at least I liked that color. It was and still is one of my favorite colors.
I just stare up at the ceiling, my vision starts to blur. I start hearing voices -unless the voices are real. I can't tell.
"He's not well, Master Bruce."
"I know Alfred, he needs a counselor, and to be put on a strict diet. So he can put on some weight."
"What are we discussing, " the voice of Dick, my brother says
"It's none of your concern baby bird. Go back to bed," Brucey says
I can't concentrate any longer so my vision goes black and I'm out.
When I wake up I'm in a chair and tied down. I look up to see Bruce staring at me.
There was a long and boring silence.
Until I finally say something, "what," I ask
"You're going to counceling," he says
I look at his face, it's bruised and a little red. Did I do that to him, I wonder.
"Why," I ask
"Because, you need help -mental help."
"I don't need any fricken help, If you put me in a mental hospital, especially Arkham. I'm gonna kill you." I growl
"I'm sure you would," he says calmly, "but I'd like to see you try." Bruce is grinning now, with a creepy smile.
I've never seen him smile that way before. I'm beyond creeped out.
"I hate you."
"Well I'm well aware of that," he says all traces of the creepy smile gone from his features.
"Fine," I say, suddenly I feel tired
I try to keep my heay eyelids open, but they close by themselves. I find myself falling asleep.
I wake up and see that I am no longer tied down to a chair. Now I'm in my bed, with black everything. Just like the last time I saw it.
Then Dad walks in with probably what I'm guessing to be bad news.
"You have to go to counceling this morning. So I'd advise you to get of your arse, and get the hell downstairs." Bruce says voice strained

Sons of Batman
AdventureI've been alone for a few years. I ran away from my parents when I was six, I had to get away. They were abusive; they really didn't care about me, only cared about Jazz. My parents probably dont even miss me. I pickpocketed people, and stole the...