9. Self- harm

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Danny started getting depressed,  he his his emotions behind a mask. Burying his emotions deep down inside himself.

He started to eat less food. Until finally he stopped eating food all together. Making excuses, skipping meals. 

This went on for weeks about three months. Until, Danny,  who used to be at a nomal and healthy weight of 93 lbs. Dropping down to 82 lbs in a month, and then 74 lbs. Until he finally hit the weight of 65 lbs.

Alfred and Bruce were worried but they niether of them knew what to do. Dick though everything was fine with Danny, but the truth was he wasn't fine at all. 

Until one day something happened.

Danny went downstairs to get an apple from the fridge. After he was done in the fride he went to the table.

He ate it quickly and after he finished he started walking toward Bruce's study. On the way he ran into Dick, he fell to the ground.

Danny stuck out his hand,  which Dick took.

"What are you doing up a four o' clock in the morning Dick," Danny asked

"Um... nothing," he said quickly. "What are you doing up D." Dick asked with a smug smile

I raised my eyebrow, "sure and for your information, I always wake up this early. You just don't know because you're always sleeping."

There was a silence, "so why are you up, again," I say with a smug satisfaction

Dick suddenly grabbed Danny's wrist and started whispering. "I feel like Bruce is hiding something, and Alfred too. I feel like you're all hiding something from me- even you," he said grimly

"I dont have a clue what your talking about," Danny said with no emotion

"I think you do, I am not as dumb as I look," Dick said

"I never said you were dumb," Danny said

Dick gave me 'I know you're hiding something' look and then turned around and walked back upstairs to his room.

Danny sighed and walked into the study. He went to the old Grandfather clock and repositioned the two hands. The clock slid aside and in its place was a staircase going down.

I walked down the long set of stairs and into the batcave. I walked towards the training room, which was in the long hall connected to the bat cave.

There was everything weights, dumbbells, and benches. On one of the benches there were clothes. He picked them up and looked at them.

It was his Sparrow costume. He had gotten a new costume designed for him a few months back.

Danny wore a dark blue shirts and a black sweatshirt, that he wore over it. Also a pair of tight black pants and steal toed boots. A dark blue utility belt and domino mask also adorned the costume.

Looking at the costume reminded him of his parents and how they were dead.

Thoughts started running through his head. You weren't fast enough. You deserve to die, you dumb mother fucker.

The thoughts abruptly stopped, and Danny fell to his knees and cried. 

He stopped crying quickly he looked around and something shiny and sharp had caught his eye.

It was a sharp piece of glass, he rolled up his shirt sleeve.  He started to cut his already scared filled arms. Danny cut so hard that blood started to ooze,  the blood was red and green.

The multiple colored blood just reminded him of what a monster and a freak he is. He kept on cutting and cutting until they left scars.

Danny dropped the shard when he heard a noise but he didn't see anything, but he saw something. It was a punching bag.

Unknowingly to him a certain Dick Grayson was watching him, and he was the one who had made the noise. 

Danny imagined it looking like Tony Zucco,  he was the one who killed his parents. He hated that bastard of a man.

Running towards the punching bag; he punched it with much effort. He continuesly punched the bag, until it fell of the hinge. It colided with the ground.

Danny suddenly felt light headed and fell to the ground. His stomach groaned, head thumping with pain.

Dick ran over to Danny, holding Danny's head in his hands. "Dick is that you," Danny asked

"Yes it's me," Danny's eyes started to get glassy. "No stay with me, Danny."

"Danny's eyes turned back to normal and ne uttered a few single words, "Kill me."

"No I can't,  you're my brother."

"Fine if you won't, I will." Danny grabbed for the piece of glass shard that was lying on the ground.

Dick has never seen his brother look so helpless and desperate. It made him sad to see that his bull headed brother had turned into a shell of his former self.

Danny final, he had the piece of glass in his hands and he tried to plunge it into his own stomach. Dick stopped him and Danny grunted.

"No you can't I won't let you hurt me like this."

"No I wouldn't be hurting you I'd be hurting me," he suddenly dropped the knife.

It was a spasm from lack of food, Danny closed his eyes eyes. He started to breath heavily.

Dick hugged Danny's frail and underweight body. In his arms, he cried into his shoulder.



See ya'll next time


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