Ch 19. Adjusting

337 15 0

Dick's p.o.v

"You really don't remember me or Bruce," I asked my amnesiac, older brother.

"No," my brother said as he looked intently at the screen.

"Maybe he'll remember more if he spends a few days at home," Bruce suggested. 

"I agree," I said. 

Me and Bruce looked at Danny but he was slumped over in his bed. I started to get worroed so I came over to the bedside but before I could shake him; his eyes burst open.

He was screaming sweating and struggling to breath. "Don't kill me!" He yelled panicked. 

"Whats wrong with him?" I looked towards Bruce for answers. 

"Night tremors..." before Bruce could say anything else, the nurse walked in. More like ran.

"Where is he?!?!" She looked towards Danny she had a shot in her hand.

She jabbed it into Danny's skin. The color drained from Danny eyes. They shut and he slumped back to the ground.

I looked toward Bruce but he was already looking towards the nurse. Then looking towards the nurse; she said, "He's been having trouble sleeping. Havining more nightmares and needing more sleep meds."

"Did he ever tell you what the dreams were about?" Bruce asked and the nurse looked nervous. 

"He doesn't talk about his dreams, but when he did. He said that there was an insane laugh and an evil smile. That's all he ever says."

The nurse continues,  plastering a fake smile on her face. "May I ask who you two are?"

"I'm Bruce, his guardian and this is Dick his brother."

"Thank goodness, are you here to take Danny home?"

"Can we," I asked in a rush. 

The nurse nodded, "Yes you can definitely bring Danny home. Though he needs all his medications -his pills, his shots."

"Yes that will do can you bring them to us," Bruce asked unexpressive voice.

The nurse nods again and goes out the door. Bruce and me both look at Danny; I believe we're thinking the same thing. How could Danny have all these problems.

The nurse comes back into the room with a small red bag. 

She hands it to Bruce, "These are all the medications he has to take. If he won't eat give him the blue pill. The shot full of green liquid is for his nightmares."

I look at the nurse, "What are the lime green and orange capsules for?"

"Hallucinations," she says simply. 

There is a silence until she breaks it. "If you are taking him home then you must sign these papers." She slides a stack of paper towards Bruce, since he is the legal gaurdian. 

Bruce finally signs all the paper after about twenty minutes. Then we have to help the nurse carry Danny out of bed and put him into a wheelchair. 

We say goodbye to the nurse. Bruce pushes Danny out of the hospital towards the black limousine. Then we place Danny in the back seat of the large car.

Danny slumps into the black seat. I sit in next to him and Bruce sits up in the front. Checking on us through the rear view mirror to see if we are going to be all right.

Danny mumbles things in his sleep. "Mami... Tati... Dickie bird." -then there is more mumbling. 

I feel bad for my older brother. I go to caress his raven black hair when his hand shoots up and he grabs my arm. He's panting and sweating then he looks towards me with his blurry looking eyes.

They shut and he slumps back down into the seat. "What's going on?"

I look towards Bruce, "I think he had a nightmare." Bruce frowns slightly. 

"It's worse than I thought, we need to get home now."

Bruce presses down on the gas petal. "What about the speed limit?"

"Dick, what's more important -your brother or the speed limit?"

"My brother," I answer grudgingly. 

"Well then hold on tight," Bruce told me. I did as I was told and I held on tight.

I also held on to Danny. We made it to the manor just in time. Parking the car, Bruce held Danny bridal style and walked towards the door.

Danny was knocked out and his body was limp.

The door opened revealing Alfred in the door way. "Hello Master Bruce, Master Dick..." he stopped when he saw Danny in Bruce's arms.

The smile that was once on his face contorted into a frown. "What happened, Master Bruce?"

"Not sure," Bruce said simply. 

Alfred move from the door, Bruce with Danny, and Dick walked through the door. 

They all walked towards Bruce's private study. Alfred pulled the pendulum and the grandfather clock slid aside. 

Reavealing a long set of stairs going down to the batcave. They walked down while Bruce carried Danny in his arms.

Danny was set down on a white bed by Bruce. He stirred but never opened his eyes.

There was blood pooling around his head. Alfred checked Danny's vitals.

"It seems to me that master Daniel has had several blows to the brain. Could be brain trauma."

There was more blood and the white sheet started to turn crimson red. "It seems we need to change out Master Daniel's bandages." Alfred said as he changed the red gauze for a few new bandages. 

We stared at Danny laying there peacefully on the bed. He looked more peaceful then he ever has in years.



As always

See ya'll next time

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