13. Years later

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Three years have passed and niether of the two brothers ever saw Selina since.

Dick is 13 and Daniel is 16

Robin became a good sidekick to Batman. Danny aka Crow went solo about a year after Dick joined the bat family and became robin.

Coming back every so often to check up on Dick, his little brother.

"Hey Bruce when is Danny coming back," Dick asked. As he typed on the bat computer. 

Wearing his Robin costume. Red and black spandex, with a yellow and black cape.

Wearing a pair of hologloves with a black domino, clinging to his face.

"He's coming back tomorrow after his important undercover mission."

"Mmm kay." He typed more things into the key pad

Looking at the cameras around Gotham city. Seeing Joker robbing the bank; downtown. 

"It's Joker," Robin said to Batman

No answer, Dick looked around the cave.

He saw that Batman was already in the bat mobile. 

"Coming Robin," Batman asks

"Coming Batman," Robin replied

Robin jumped in the bat mobile after Batman.

They left at about 9:30 in the evening.


Crow was arriving back at Gotham around one am in the moring on his motorcycle. 

He could've always flown back to the mansion, but that would be too conspicuous.

Danny had grown up his black and white hair no longer pulled back into a pony tail. Now shaved on the sides and turned into a mow hawk.

A few white bangs in the front and the rest of the mow hawk as black as the night.

Still wearing his black tight long sleeved shirt and tan pants. Wearing a pair of black tennis shoes. With his black domino mask and white slits.

Now wearing a black leather jacket over his black shirt. Also a blue motorcycle helmet, complete with dark blue fingerless gloves.

He drives into the batcave, and props up his motorcycle. Removing his blue helmet revealing his black mow hawk with white bangs.

Looking at the bat computer screen and seeing that it is one fifteen in the morning.

"They must not be back yet," Danny mumbles. 

I guess their after Joker. "Well looks like it's time to sit back and relax."

He takes off his black leather jacket and rests it on the motorcycle seat. 

Danny walks up the stairs to the mansion. To Bruce's private study, and sits at the piano. He starts to set his fingers on the keys. 

Playing Silent Night expertly. He already knew how to play the piano before he came. Although Alfred did give him a few piano lessons while he was here.

After he hit the last key on the piano. He went to the bookshelf and picked out a book to read, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

He read for about a while sitting on Bruce's swivel chair by his desk. 

Danny started to get hungry so he went to the large kitchen to grab something to eat. He took the book with him.

"Hello Master Daniel, how was your mission," Alfred asked.

"It was fun, I got to kick but." Danny took off his domino mask he was still wearing.

"How exciting." Alfred said, sitting at the dining table.

Danny went to go sit by Alfred on the chair next to him. He also placed the book close to the center of the table.

"Master Daniel would you like anything to eat?"

"No thanks. Hey do you know when Bruce an Dick are coming back?"

"A few hours, I'm sure Master Daniel."


Alfred got off the seat and went towards Bruce's private study.

"Oh and Daniel," Alfred says turning back around.

Danny had the jar of cookies in on hand and two cookies in the other. Along with three cookies that were shoved halfway up his own mouth.

His eyes and face made it look like he was deer stopped in the middle of a car's headlights. 

"Don't choke,"Alfred said smirking. 

Danny put the cookies that he had in his other hand back into the cookie jar. He took the cookies out of his mouth.

Danny chuckled, "haha very funny," he then placed a cookie back in his mouth. He started eating the cookie.

Alfred left the room and left Danny in his lonesome. Danny ate some more cookies, since they were Alfred's and are very good.

Danny took the book that he had placed on the table. He started to read some more of the pages.

He sat there for what felt like hours. At some point while Danny was reading he fell asleep. 


Danny was being cut open by none other than his 'mother'. She had a scalpel and was making deep scars in his skin.

Screaming for his mother to stop hurting him. She didn't listen and kept on cutting him open.

He screamed even louder. This timenher mother socked him in the gut.

Groaning and whimpering sounded afterwards. More punching, cutting, and screaming.

Someone was shaking him and telling him to wake up. More shaking and talking.


"Danny wake up."

Danny opened his eyes slowly and he woke up. Sweating and shaking, and he screamed.

"Danny your okay now," 

Danny looked up and he saw Batman withoit his cowl on. Also Robin without his mask -Bruce Wayne, and Dick Grayson. 

"Huh... oh I'm fine, a dream. Just a dream," Danny said

"Well whatever it was your fine now," Bruce said.

Suddenly Bruce hugged Danny, at first he was surprised. Though he eventually leaned into it.

"Where my hug," Dick asked.

Bruce said nothing and kept on hugging Danny without saying anything.

"So that's it your just going to ignore me."

Tomorrow is another day

--- Tomorrow is the Day

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