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Why can't you magically appear in my room and cuddle with me and
kiss the top of my head while
I fall asleep.


Yoongi was seated in front of V and glaring at him. The grey head was casually popping apple slices in his mouth, his posture was slouched and nonchalant. 

"It is so fucked up" Yoongi groaned and rubbed his temples as pain went shooting through like hot spikes.

"I'm used to fucked up" V said as he set the plate aside and licked his finger to get to juice of the apples off.

"I just can't be—" Yoongi spoke after a moment of silence but V interceded and said.

"Do you have something else to eat?" He asked and Yoongi passed him a stink eye.

"I know your secret V-ah" Yoongi said and V raised his eyebrow at the older as his eyes hardened behind the thick eyelashes.

"What secret?" He asked coldly, sitting forward; all business.
"Ha. Look who's interested now" Yoongi said with a smirk, time to play.
"Tell me Yoongi" V snarled.
"Oof" Yoongi said and snarled his forehead,"I forgot something, I'll go get it"

Yoongi got up and started walking away from the younger.
"Wait tell me!" V roared and got up, following the older behind.
"What?" Yoongi said and raised his eyebrow, acting as if he didn't know anything.
"What do you know about me?" V asked, clearly looking ready to throw hands.
"Better keep that voice low baby" Yoongi sneered and went up the stairs.
"Min! Tell me!" V yelled and followed but his steps were sluggish.

V was breathless by the time he reached upstairs and groaned, clutching his stomach in pain.

"What happened Taehyung?" Yoongi asked softly as V leaned against the wall helplessly.
"What did you call me?" V asked while looking up eyes widened.
"Your real name baby" Yoongi said and chuckled deeply, clearly seeing how Taehyung started to squirm.

"It's not my real name" He said defensively, knees starting to buckle slowly; his whole body shaking from fatigue and pain.

"Oh yes it is" Yoongi as he approached the younger who now sat on the ground while breathing heavily, looking ready to pass out again; his eyes drooping low.

"H-how...d-do..you...kn-know..?" Taehyung stuttered. Yoongi crouched down in front of the younger and gently lifted his chin up.
"I got the same connection like you baby" Yoongi said and Taehyung snorted.
"Knew you looked familiar Owl" Taehyung weakly sneered.
"Now you remember captain" Yoongi said and gripped Taehyung to hold him closer—"You became weaker"

"Yeah, that guy controlled me more than I could have thought" Taehyung said leaning against Yoongi helplessly.
"You look like you will pass out" Yoongi observed but Taehyung was already knocked out in his arms. Yoongi sighed deeply before lifting up the younger in a bridal style and taking him in the room and tugging him in.

Yoongi's threw his jacket and fell on the bed next to Taehyung, not finding any energy to get and go to his bed.

He pulled his phone out and quickly texted Namjoon saying that he was out for tonight and would see the boys in the morning. Namjoon asked him if he knew where Taehyung was and Yoongi looked at his side at the younger sleeping so peacefully and looking almost ethereal.

Yoongi replied with a no.

Yoongi turned to his side so that he was face to face with Taehyung. He sighed and softly brushed off the boy's grey hair away. Taehyung's face looked almost surreal in the dim light of the room. The moon light that seeped through the curtains washed over his tanned skin and gave it the glow, like the light shimmer of pixie dust. His face as if the Gods spend hours to sculpture, every curve and every inch handled with care to create, his grey dyed hair falling on his forehead like a soft waterfall of silver waters. His pink tinted lips looking almost sinful in the dark. Yoongi noticed the ear ring that dangled in the ear of the boy, cascading down his cheek and the younger was clearly annoyed by it. So Yoongi shifted near him and removed the  ear ring from his ear and keeping it away. Taehyung moved slightly at the touch by remained knocked out nevertheless.

Weird and inappropriate thoughts filled Yoongi's mind and he had to shake his head to get them out. He yawned and let his head collided with the pillow and closed his eyes, and he fell asleep with the last image being Taehyung's ethereal face.

Later that night Yoongi felt something wrap around his body and he peeled his eyes open to see Taehyung hugging his torso and resting his head on the chest of the older and leg thrown over the older's legs. Yoongi chuckled and kissed the top of the younger's crown and fell asleep again.


Do have any idea of what's going on ??

And thank you soooo much for 5k+ views 😘😘😘😘❤️❤️💓💓💕💕💕💕💜💜💜💜💜❤️💕❤️💕💓💕💓💕💓💕💓💕💓💕💕💓💓💕💕💓💓💕💕💓😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘❤️😘😘❤️😘❤️😍😍😍😘😘😋😘😘😋😘😋😄😄😄😄
I purple you all
Fighting !!

And also,
Exams are approaching so I won't be able to update regularly any of my book cause I need to turn my attention to my studies as these are finals 😘

Bbye cuties
Have a great day/night
Love yourself 💜

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