Chapter Forty Six

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The room had grown stifling. Sweat ran down Lily's spine. She sat with her head in her hands, palms pressed against her eyes. No time for tears. Stay calm. She breathed in through her nose, out, slowly, through her mouth until she felt her heartbeat thumping sure and steady within her chest.

A scream, powerful, unearthly, and heart-stopping in it's beauty echoed in the corridor outside the door.

The four companions reacted at once, instantly alert and at attention.

"Time to get your boy, Mom," one of them said in her throaty accent.

One more breath, and then Lily rose. With her back ramrod straight and her hands held at her sides she lifted her chin.

"You are ready?"

Lily nodded. "Let's go."

The angel's eyes were steel. "Come." She turned and opened the door.

The five of them strode through the hall, Lily in the center. The companions formed a shield around her. If anyone came at Lily, they'd have to get past the powerful warriors first. Lily longed for them to come through. Screw the Way of Peace. She wanted to kick the crap out of someone.

They left the dim, shadowy hall and approached the cavern, making no attempt to hide themselves.

Raboch leaned against table, grinning. "Well, look at this. The rest of the girls are here. Time to get the party started."

Max strained against his bonds, his face crimson, sweat beading on his forehead. On either side of him, a companion hung from chains around their wrists. Blood covered the sliver of space that showed beneath their veils, dripped from their fingertips onto their own heads.

The newcomers stopped.

"You can't have my son," Lily stated, her voice clear and strong and unhindered by fear.

Raboch stood up straight and grinned, baring a double row of pointed teeth. His voice was a low growl. "He is already mine."

Lily's head jerked up at the sound of Azrael's voice.

"You have no claim on him. Nor on Maximus. Release your captives now and perhaps you will be shown mercy." He stood on the opposite rim from the five women, flanked by warriors in gleaming armor.

Below them, the shadow crawlers inched toward the bridges.

Corzor growled. "You would speak to me of mercy? Did you show me mercy?"

He reached for the scimitar that still lay on the ground but even as he reached for it, the companions jumped. Two landed on the taller demon, two on the shorter. Blades flashing. The noise rushed upward, washing over Lily like the burning wind from an explosion. The warriors flew into the battle and Lily ran down the steps, hating her slow, human form, so clumsy and inept.

The closer she got to the bottom, the thicker the murk of clutching, grasping shadow forms grew. She focused her eyes on her son and stepped into the darkness.

Misery and loneliness, despair, and loss, and regret, poured into of her soul. Worth flowed away like water from a broken glass, but she allowed no vision to enter her mind save that of her baby's little body, waiting for her. She thought of his movement in her womb, the feeling of holding him against her breast for the first time. The smell of his soft dark hair, and she was on solid ground. Against her love, the shadow crawlers had no strength.

She lifted him from the table and clutched him against her chest. He did not open his eyes, but his breath was slow and steady.

Before her, Max hung by his neck. His eyes were rolled up, showing only the whites. Between them, it seemed the entirety of Heaven and Hell was engaged in a battle wrapped in blood and smoke and fire.

She saw one of the companions produce a jagged silver star from her robes and throw it with all her might toward one of the prisoners. It hit the chain and broke it in a shower of sparks.

The freed woman slumped to the ground, immediately pushed herself up again and reached for Max's bonds.

Daniel had an arm around her. She looked into his face, covered in blood and soot. His eyes gleamed and she realized he found immense joy in the battle against evil. His mouth moved in silence. She frowned, unable to make out any of his words in the midst of the chaos.

Seeming to understand he pulled her against his chest and spread his massive wings, wide.

She fought against him. She couldn't leave Max lying there like that! But already Azrael had Max in his arms.

Daniel tightened his grip and they soared up and away from the heat and the stench.

Lily clutched her son, keeping him safe and warm against the now freezing wind, trusting her friend, the angel, to carry her to safety. 

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