Chapter Forty Nine

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"Max! Put that down! It's dirty!" Sister Mary Celeste ordered, keeping a healthy distance between her and the mangled mouse.

"It's dying," ten-year-old Max said.

"Exactly. Toss it outside."

He ignored her and cupped his hands around the tiny animal. Not sure what compelled him, but certain it was the right thing to do, he leaned close and whispered, "It's alright, friend. Go on. What you've been looking for is just around the corner."

The animal stared at him with bright, beady eyes and took one last gasping breath. Max smiled, his soul lighter for knowing the injured creature suffered no more.

After throwing the body outside for the cat, he returned to the kitchen and washed his hands.

At the counter, Lily had paused in her chopping of vegetables for dinner. She smiled at him and he blushed to the roots of his hair.

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