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I was sitting on the bed when Stiles came in late from the station.

       "Ummm Malia,can I tell you something."Stiles said.      

      "Yeah. What up."

     "Well last week Cora kinda ...." 

    "Kinda what Stiles, "My voice getting louder and louder I was standing now.

     "She kinda came on to me, "

     "She did what." I was really angry now.My hands were folded into fist. And I was breathing really hard now.

    "Malia come down. Put your eyes away, " he walked over to me. And put his hand on to my shoulder.

     "Don't touch me, "I yelled.

    "Malia can you just calm down your gonna hurt the baby "       .   "How am I suppose to clam down Stiles my, my cousin of all people tried to get with you. Your my husband. What did you do when she was hitting on you "

     "I pushed her back of coruse. "

     " yeah sure you did. "

Last night was stressful and damn near heartbreaking,I can't believe this is happening. My own supposed family member would try such a thing, and I know I'm supposed to believe him but the fact that he didn't tell me when it happened,questions my judgement. Its the 21st and it's my 6 month check up,I told Stiles not to come with me because I didn't want to talk to him. I left the house and arrived at the doctor's office 20 minutes later

    " Hello Dr. Hoff" I said.

   "Hello Ms. Stilinski,How are you and the baby?"

   "We are doing great,she is doing a lot of moving."

   "Well that's great,she is very active, let's get started on an ultrasound." I moved up on to the table and pused my shirt up and she squeezes the cold gel on to my belly,and began moving the remote around my stomach. 20 seconds later I heard her strong heart beat and saw her small figure up on the monitor and I started to cry because Stiles wasn't here to experience this with me.

    "Well all done,she is a healthy baby girl so  keep up the good work"

     "Thank you and see you I guess for delivery?"

   " Yes you will and call if there is an emergency." I leave the doctor's office and head back home. I arrive home and I sit my keys on the table,there's one of Stiles files about the rampages sitting on the table.  I sit down and started reading it thinking maybe i couldd help, then I see a little note in the back. I pulled it out and read it.

Dear Stiles

This is something I've been wanting to tell you since I came back to beacon hills 10 years ago but never got the chance due to the Alpha gang/Darach tried to kill me and Derek sent me away. It's not just some simple crush,it runs deeper than that. I can't stand to see you with that women everyday,knowing that we could of been more years ago,she would of never existed,I could of gave you a home,a child and even more.The things I can give to you,do to you,something that witch of a wife could never do. She doesn't deserve you ,doesn't understand you like I do. I spend every waking moment with you and she doesn't ,I bet she doesn't even know what your favorite type of coffee is or where you like to eat for lunch. There is nothing in this world that I want more than to be with you and I know somewhere deep down inside that you to feel the same about me.

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