| Chapter 14. |

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And if Harmony got one thing about her house party right- it was the fact that it was indeed live. 'Don't Tell Em' by Jeremih featuring YG blasted loudly through her freshly purchased speakers as the house full of high schoolers and college students danced along with the beat.

Couples were in the middle of the floor grinding on each other, body shots were being done on the living room table and someone even had the nerve to set up a keg in the kitchen. This would definitely be labelled as the party of the year. But of course, that wasn't Harmony's biggest concern. She didn't throw the party for popularity, she threw it to get Vincent's attention. Though, she would never admit it to Andi.

And now that he was right where she wanted him, she was too nervous and shy to go talk to him. Even after all her big talk about the plan for the week. Now it was 11 at night and she was still drowning herself in her 7th cup of punch. She wasn't a idiot, and was well aware that the punch was spiked with some type of liquor.

But, she continued to drink it anyway, hoping that it would loosen her up so she could get the show on the road. She heaved a deep breath, sipping her solo cup slowly as she watched Vincent across the room joking and laughing with his group of friends. She gulped, taking the punch to the head quickly. She crushed it up in her hand, throwing it behind her as she straightened up her outfit and strutted over to him. It was either now or never.

"H.. hey, Vincent. Having fun?" She questioned, pursing her lips as she leaned against the wall next to him.

She waited patiently as Vincent shrugged, nodding his head to the beat. "Oh, it's shawty from before. Yeah, this party type up there. I like it."

"Yeah, thanks," She blew out, tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear. She watched with a raised eyebrow curiously as one of Vincent's boys walked up beside them, and whispered something in his ear. Something about the keg and how they was going to help themselves to buy some more beer or something. "And thanks for before."

 Vincent slowly nodded his head at his friend in response, licking his lips. Harmony felt a chill creeping up her neck at the sight, her panties a pool. "My bad. And any time. I assume you hosting if you came over and asked me if I'm having a good time, right?"

"Yeah, I'm Harmony." Harmony answered, fixing her posture so she could push her breasts a bit.

"I know," Vincent laughed, sipping his beer. "You Hazel lil sister, right?" He asked a follow up question, sipping the cup in his hand again.

Harmony frowned a bit at his words, rolling her eyes. "Not that little. But yes. You and I are in the same grade."

Vincent gave her a small smile. "I know that too. I neva really see you around as much, though."

"Uh, I'm a little quiet." Harmony pulled on the ends on her hair, her heart beat increasing.

"Ah, probably why then. I gotta open my eyes to the bad females who be all low key like yourself. You tryna dance?" Vincent asked, his voice as smooth as butter.

Harmony felt her head spinning, knowing this was her chance. She smirked a bit, reaching out her hand and grabbing the bottom of his T-shirt, pulling him in closer to her as she leaned up to whisper in his ear.

"I was actually hoping I could thank you properly upstairs? In my room?"

Vincent's expression changed into a lustful one. "Oh, word? Aight then, whatever you want."

His fingers intertwined with her own as she lead the way around all the party goers, heading straight for the staircase by the front door. Her eyes locked with Andi and Hazel, whom had two different completely reactions written on their faces once they spotted her.

Andi's face flushed red, seeing her best friend on her way upstairs with Vincent right on her tail. She shook her head wildly, mouthing the words 'stop' over and over- which Harmony of course ignored. She allowed her eyes to dart over to Hazel, whom was still dancing on the dance floor. She glanced up in mid grind, catching eye contact and grinning widely. Along with a thumbs up, it was clear that she was egging her baby sister on.

Harmony bit her lip, looking away as she continued her way to her bedroom. She opened the door, flipping on the light switch as Vincent walked himself in.

"Nice room you got here." He laughed, glancing at all of Harmony's stuffed animals on the bed that she forgot to put away. In her defense, she didn't think that Vincent would actually show up. 

She knocked them to the floor. "Sorry." 

She flushed, Vincent noticing her uneasiness and reaching out to rub her arm gently. "I say this a lot but, you good?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." She nodded, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip nervously.

"This your first time throwing a house party?" He questioned again, grabbing her hand and leading her to the bed. He sat first, pulling her down on to his lap. 

"Yeah," She answered. "My first time going to one as well."

"Oh, word. I like that. You not out here doing the most like these other females. I respect it." He replied, in his chilling deep voice.

"Thank you." Harmony smiled, appreciating his compliment. He nodded, his head leaning in closer until their lips were centimeters away. Harmony felt the butterflies in her stomach do jumping jacks as Vincent's lips finally met her own. She squealed in excitement, his lips just as soft and smooth as she had imagined them all these years. She placed a hand to his cheek, pulling him in. The embrace started off innocently, their lips moving in sync as Vincent's hands wandered down to her hips.

He pressed her closer to him, Harmony wasting no time and getting into it as Vincent laid back. Maybe it was the liquor, but it felt like a dream. Vincent's teeth sunk into her lip, asking for entrance as she felt his erection grow underneath her. She agreed gingerly, her hands gripping on his low head of curls as their tongues danced in the other's mouth.

She began lowly moaning, Vincent flipping them over so he was laying on top of her body. His lips found their way to her collarbone, placing small kisses. Harmony wrapped her legs around his waist, feeling him grind himself against her. She moaned again, this time feeling a odd sensation in the pit of her stomach. A pain of some sort.

"Ooh." She winced, as Vincent picked his head up and glanced at her.

"You okay?" He raised a eyebrow.

"Yeah, just keep going." She responded, pulling him closer.

He stared at her, narrowing his eyes. "You sure? You can tell me if you wanna stop or whatever, I'll respect that."

"I said I'm fine." Harmony hissed, shooting him a stern glare. She was not trying to hear that. She had did all of this for her chance at Vincent and was not about to pass this moment up. She needed to do this now, while that punch was coursing through her veins.

"Okay." Vincent said unsurely, kissing her neck softly as he began kissing all over her again. And just like any other bad time, the same pain hit her abdomen once more.

"Wait, stop. I don't feel good." She spoke softly, blinking quickly.

"Aight," Vincent replied quickly, sitting up and helping her sit up beside him. "What's up? You need some aspirin or something?" He questioned, rubbing her thigh softly.

"Yeah, I just feel..." Harmony started, before she was cut off by something filling in her mouth. Without thinking, the foul smelling and looking vomit poured out of her mouth, all over her carpeted floor as well as Vincent's brand new sneakers before they both could even blink.

"Oh, shit!" Vincent exclaimed, standing up from the bed abruptly and looking down at Harmony in disgust.

"I...I...." She stuttered slowly, watching as he shook his head, then stormed out of her room and sight. And that... That was the last thing she could remember before she completely passed out.

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