| Chapter 28. |

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Harmony laid across her bed the day after prom, a kindle tablet on her lap as she read another book on wattpad. She was still hurting about what had happened last night and was hoping that reading about someone's else life would be better than to live her own.

There was a sudden knock on her door, as she lifted her head and gestured for Hazel to come in. "I wasn't here when you got home. I wanted to ask, how was prom?"

The thoughts resurfaced, as Harmony bit her lip to hold back tears. "It was okay, I guess. Nothing big. Where were you?"

Hazel tried fighting a smile. "I went on a date with Quentin."

"A date? With Quentin?" Harmony questioned, her eyebrows raised as she remembered the guy Hazel had in her room the first day back from Spring Break.

Hazel nodded. "Mhm."

Harmony shook her head in bewilderment, shocked. "But Hazel Daniels never goes on a date."

"Actually, she's been on 2 so far. I think I might even invite him to your graduation, since you have a extra ticket. If that's cool?" Hazel inquired, awaiting Harmony's approval.

"It's fine, Hazel. It's nice to see you with somebody." Harmony gushed, hugging her big sister.

"Thanks, that means a lot. It's nice to just be myself with someone. My true self."

"Really?" Harmony questioned, running her hands through her hair.

"Yeah. It took me 8 years to realize but I shouldn't care what people think of me and now that I know that, I'm gunna keep my head high and continue to just be me." Hazel smiled, taking Harmony's hand and squeezing it gently.

"Hazel, that's great."

She nodded. "Yeah. You should try it, Harmony."

Hazel stood up, making her way out the room as she left her little sister alone. Harmony sighed, processing Hazel's words as she realized that she was actually talking about her. She slipped on her shoes, deciding that maybe she shouldn't be keeping herself in her room where she could overthink things and get more upset.

"Hey Harmony baby, can you go get the mail?" Her mother asked, sprinkling some cheddar cheese into a large bowl, probably preparing a salad for tonight's dinner.

Harmony nodded her head. "Yeah, sure."

She strolled outside, walking down the 3 steps to the porch as she made her way to the mailbox and grabbed the 4 pieces of mail addressed to her and her family. The door next door opened, revealing Cooper with a small garbage bag. He waved, throwing the trash away as he walked over to her on the porch.

"Hey, what happened to you last night?" He asked, taking a seat next to Harmony.

She shrugged her shoulders. "I went home."

"What, why?" He furrowed his eyebrows, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"I got a little upset is all."

"About what?"

She inhaled deeply. "I overheard Vincent's friends talking about me when I came out the bathroom and I just-"

"What were they saying?" Cooper interrupted, picking his fingers though his afro.

"That I'm embarrassing and Vincent would never like me." She wiped a stray tear, as Cooper grabbed her hand.

"Oh, fried mushrooms. Don't listen to them, Harmony. They're just extras behind Vincent. No one even knows their names." Cooper rubbed her back, as a few more tears fell.

"It's just... What if it's true?"

"Then, that's Vincent's loss." Cooper frowned, causing Harmony to look up at him with a quirked eyebrow. And that's when she saw it. His big brown eyes, the cute little birthmark on the tip of his nose, the plump shape of his lips.

"This is it. This is the answer to everything..." She thought, leaning in to Cooper as she latched her lips onto his. But what she was expecting to be fireworks, wasn't there. It just wasn't. She slowly opened her eyes, her lips still on his as she noticed the uncomfortable look on his pale face.

She pulled away from him, wiping her lips. "Cooper..."

"Hmm?" He answered, moving away as he fiddled with his thumbs.

"Why didn't you kiss me back?"

His expression fell, as he pulled off his glasses and began wiping them on the end of his shirt. "Oh, Harmony. This is awkward. You're gorgeous, but-"

"But?" Harmony questioned, her face turning red from the embarrassing moment that she was sharing with Cooper.

Cooper shook his head. "I don't like you in that way."

Harmony's jaw dropped, her hand flying to cover her mouth as she stared Cooper up and down. "What?! Are you... Are you gay?"

"Harmony, I am not gay." Cooper scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Then, what's wrong?" She glared, prepared to attack if he said the wrong answer.

"I... I like Andi."

She could feel her blood boiling. "Andi?! W-what? She's a complete bitch!"

"She's still your best friend, Harmony. Besides, don't you know sometimes opposites attract? I kind of like the challenge of dealing with someone with such attitude." Cooper crossed his arms.

"You what?!"

Cooper shrugged, pushing his glasses up again. "Look, Andi is a challenge. And let's be honest, you're kind of easy."

Harmony began shaking her head, starting to stutter. "But...but-"

Cooper cut her off. "But in all the fairytales, the main character always gets the nerd, right?"

Harmony nodded.

"Oh, silly Harmony." Cooper laughed, patting Harmony's shoulder playfully.

"This isn't a fairytale, it's real life." He got up, walking over to the fence that separated the houses. Which he attempted to try hopping over but of course, fell.

"I'm okay!" He called, pulling himself up off the ground as he made his way back to his house.

Harmony shook her head, throwing her head in her palms as she let out a loud scream. "Did I really just get rejected by him?!"

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