| Chapter 21. |

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"Time on my hands, since you been away boy..." Harmony lowly sing off key, bumping the classic song by Mary J Blige. "I'm going down, I'm going down..."

Hazel busted up in the room. "What the hell is going on in here?"

"Hazel, get out! I'm depressed." Harmony whined, throwing a pillow at her sister.

Hazel ducked, crossing her arms across her chest. "About what, exactly?"

"If you must know, I went to the mall earlier today to buy a fucking vibrator and Vincent was there and caught me." Harmony hissed, turning to face the wall as she grabbed a pillow and placed it over her own face.

"Where did you go, Spencer's? I could have gotten you a nice discount. I know a guy."

She screamed into the pillow. "Hazel, this is not the time to talk about one of the guys that you're sleeping with."

"Harmony, laying up in here and crying about it, isn't going to do you any good. Especially bumping a song that has nothing to do with your current situation, y'all wasn't dating." Hazel laughed, clutching her chest.

"This is the closest song I could find, now leave me be." Harmony grumbled, still facing the opposite direction.

"Ugh, whatever. Your friend is here by the way."

"My friend? Do you mean Andi?" Harmony turned around, with a raised eyebrow.

"No, I'm talking about the awkward dork next door with the afro and camera." Hazel replied, kissing her teeth.

"You can just send him up, I guess." Harmony sighed, staring at the ceiling.

"Alright. Mom! Can I borrow the car?" Hazel screamed, walking out the room to pester their mother.

Cooper walked in 30 seconds later. "Hey Harmony Melody. Get it? Because they both deal with songs and Harmony is your name? I kill myself." He began lowly laughing.

"Cooper, as you can see... I'm a little sad. So what do you want?" Harmony pouted, folding her arms.

"I just wanted to stop by to give you your mail, the mailman put it in my box by mistake."

Harmony took the two envelopes. "Thanks."

"So, what's going on? Did you not have your bagel toasted this morning or something?" Cooper asked, taking off his glasses to clean them.

She furrowed her eyebrows. "I don't even like toasted bagels, Cooper. And no, it's about Vincent."

"Oh. What happened?"

"I lied to him about something minor and I guess the principle of the lie made him upset with me." Harmony exhaled, pouting again.

"Sorry to hear that." Cooper responded, pushing his glasses back on and lifting the camera.

Harmony slowly nodded. "Yeah, I'm always messing up when it comes to him. First at the party and now, this..."

"Maybe, he got upset because you're not being yourself around him. Vincent is popular and all, but facts have proven that most guys want a girl that's true and honest." Cooper stated.

"Cooper, what are you saying?"

"I'm saying that maybe to be Vincent's friend-"

"That maybe to get Vincent to take my virginity, I just have to show him how real I am?" Harmony cut off, siting up in the bed.

"I said friend not take your-" Cooper started to explain, before Harmony wrapped her arms around him a tight hug.

"Cooper, you are so fucking smart! Thanks." She exclaimed, jumping out the bed and making her way downstairs before he could blink.

"I'm confused on what just happened- Harmony? Harmony?" Cooper called out, realizing that she was already gone.

"Oh jello nuts..." He sighed, face palming himself. "What did I just do?"

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