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"Ellie huh?" Sebastian asked while raising an eyebrow curiously. Julian sipped his coffee while staring at the floor.

"She wants to walk you to school? But we were going to do that..." He sounded dissapointed and fiddled with his cup until Sebastian slung an arm around his shoulder and chuckled.

"Oh come on hun. We already had a meeting with the school, and he needs to make friends." Julian frowned slightly but looked up at me and nodded, he forced a smile and placed his hand on Sebastian's.


I felt a smile spread across my lips, for some reason I was really excited about this.

Maybe it was just the prospect of being independant or the fact that this could lead to a new friendship, I hadn't really connected with anyone after the crash and so became very secluded. I felt a yawn catch in my throat and covered my mouth to stifle it. Julian's anxious and nervous expression washed away as he laughed at my kitten-like yawn, he took in a deep breath and let out a heavy sigh. "Are you even going to be able to handle school? You're always so tired." He muttered more to himself than to me. I gave a dismissive hand wave as if I was trying to clear the air of his words.

"I'm fine..." I was lying, the sudden wave of exhaustian swept over me and my eyelids felt heavy. I got up from the couch and stalked into the kitchen, it looked pretty clear except for the empty boxes stacked on the counter. I opened up a drawer but was only met with untensils and cutlery.

"Oh, your medication is in the cabinet above the sink." I heard Sebastian call from the living room and I stared up at the cupboard, much too high for me to reach.

"You're a genius dad, put them in the highest cupboard." I said sarcastically as I hopped up onto the counter and pulled open the door. I grabbed out the pill bottles and slid off of the counter. I peered into the living room to see Sebastian's head in his hands as he silently laughed, Julian was shaking his head.

"S-sorry, I wasn't thinking." I ignored his excuse and pulled out a cup, filling it with the tap I pulled out two pills and swallowed them.

I put the bottles in the drawer I originally opened and heard a scratchy meow call for me. I looked back to see Blu staring up at me, his amber eyes were narrowed and focused. I bent down and offered my hand to the grey cat and felt him push his small head against it, I guess he forgave me for the dog incident earlier. I scratched behind his ear and heard the engine like purr erupt from his throat, I stifled my chuckle and saw the swift glare. I picked up the grumpy cat and felt another yawn hitch in my throat, the caffiene pills would work soon hopefully. Blu licked my cheek with his rough tongue and moved on to biting my brown hair. "Fudge, if you want to, you can go take a nap." Julian called from the other room but I shook my head to Blu and sighed slightly.

"I'll be fine, I'm not that tired." I wanted to go back to sleep but that was all I had done for the past few days. My dads had basically unpacked the house by themselves. Blu tugged on my hair slightly and I carried him into the living room, his big fluffy body almost spilling out of my arms.

"Well, do you want to go and start unpacking your room?" I nodded slightly and looked towards the stairs, both Khira and Atlas were asleep on different steps. I walked over to it and started to head up, making sure not to step on any tails or paws. Blu stared down at the dogs disgusted and dug his claws into my jumper, as if to stay closer. I pushed open my door and set down the fluffy cat on the bed.

I pulled a heavy box onto the bed and opened the already cut flaps, inside was a bunch of books and novels. I picked one up and traced my finger down the spine, the pages flicking through my fingers and the cover brought up a weird emotion in me and I quickly set it down. While I was gone Sebastian had set up my old book case and hung up a mirror which I noted was slightly crooked. I pulled out more books and looked at each closely, I found it odd how holding some caused different emotions. "Maybe these books meant something to me?" I questioned myself and looked over to see Blu laying on a few of the novels, his eyes half lidded and lazy. I stood up with a handful of books and started to place them in the shelves. I emptied two boxes of books and was able to fill three of the shelves.

I opened up my window and felt the cool gush instantly wash over me causing my skin to prick, I took in a deep breath and felt the fresh air coat my lungs. A few birds chirped to each other and I sensed Blu's focus on the tweets. I turned back to the boxes and realised my work had barely made a dent, I pulled a moving bag from the pile and started to unpack the rest of my clothes into my drawer. I heard a tired whine coming from the other side of my door and I opened it to see Khira staring wearily up at me. She jumped straight onto my bed and immediately curled up ignoring Blu's annoyed hiss.

I suddenly felt my phone vibrate against my leg in my pocket and pulled it out to see I had new messages.

'You got home alright?"
'Bluebird ??'


I set the phone down on a box to continue unpacking but as soon as my fingers brushed against another box I heard the vibrations echo off the cardboard.

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