Stolen glances and pink cheeks

9.1K 157 24

Fandom: Harry Potter (Marauders era)

Pairing: Reader x Young Remus Lupin

Warnings: none just fluff

Request: maybe a lil remmy one where he's totally in love with y/n and is always teased for it? and he's so shy and cute around her and then one day they kiss or something and the other boys find them and tease them?? iDK ITS WEIRD BUT ILY

Word Count: 1.1k

The Marauders sat in the library, an unusual sight but Remus made them go there if they wanted his help with this assignment. They all were at the table, researching for their project they had waited until the last minute for, except Remus who had finished last week.

The way studying with the marauders goes is Remus is usually hard at work, Sirius is usually ogling a girl across the room, James has managed to find Lily in a room with at least a hundred people in it and he just stares at her instead of the pages of his book and Peter is staring at nothing, just lost in his own mind.

Today was a bit different though, while the rest of the marauders were into their old habits Remus had picked up one quite like James. Although Remus didn't tell anybody he had developed an ever-growing crush on a girl, and since it's Remus he doesn't think he deserves you, but maybe he deserves to look at you just for a minute.

But he didn't plan to get lost starring at the way you griped the corner of your book you were reading, the way you chewed on your lip as you concentrated and broke your focus when your hair fell in your face to brush it back behind your ear and look up.

You tucked your hair behind your ear, too into your book to put it down and fix your messy half bun that was on top of your head. You looked up for a moment though, to check on reality, you noticed the library was more full than usual, you remembered the assignment due tomorrow that you had finished a couple days ago. You noticed some people you'd never seen before and your eyes scanned the room until your eyes locked with another's, Remus Lupin. You had to admit to yourself that he was really cute, nice, sweet, funny and maybe you liked him, just a little.

You looked at him while he looked at you and you smiled causing him to give a small smile back and look away, both of your faces shaded pink from the small interaction, you brushed it off and dived back into your book.

Remus looked down into his book but not before Sirius could notice his pink cheeks, "Moony what's got you all bothered?" this got the attention of the other marauders. James butted in "Remus here probably was looking at a pretty girl" Peter laughed "it's probably Y/N, he stares at her all the time" Remus' cheeks turned red "I was not, I was just, it's hot in here and I-". Sirius cut him off. "No need to lie to us Moony, I can see Y/N is sitting right across from us, oh she's a pretty one Remus, go talk to her."

Remus closed his book. "Go talk to her? Are you mad I can't just do that Padfoot I'm not, well I'm not you!"

James was quick to tease Remus. "You can turn into a werewolf every month but you can't talk to a girl?" Remus glared at James. "That's exactly why I can't talk to her." Sirius stood up and walked behind Remus. "excuses, excuses Moony." Sirius pulled Remus' chair out from the table and pushed him out of his seat. As they both stood Sirius whispered to Remus. "Now do I have to hold your hand and walk you over there or are you going to do it yourself?"

Remus gulped, "Well you're not giving me much of a choice." and before he could argue any further Sirius gave him a little push and the marauders all sat at the table watching anxiously behind their books.

You had just finished a chapter when you noticed Remus walking towards you, you lowered your book placing your hand between the closed pages as to not lose your spot. Remus simply walked up and sat beside you without even looking at you. You turned to him. "Hello Remus, what brings you over here?" You tried to sound as calm as possible. Remus looked up at you "What, what brings me here, oh I just, well Sirius told, uh you, you bring me here." You smiled at his awkward statement. "I bring you here?" Remus looked over to his table and then back to you as he breathed in deeply he replied. "Yeah I came here to talk to you, but it's not going very well already." You placed your hand over his. "I think it's going just fine." Remus smiled and looked at your hand on his. "Y/N can I take you somewhere, like on a date, would you go with me?" he stuttered nervously and you instantly replied without question. "Remus I'd love to."

Remus stood up and smiled brightly and you stood up too. "Alright well I better get back to my friends, i'm helping them with the assignment for potions." As Remus turned to walk away you grabbed his hand pulling back as you placed a kiss to his cheek, this startled Remus but also gave him the bit of courage he needed to then pull you towards him as he kissed you on the lips gently, your noses brushed and your breath caught in your throat as your book fell from your hand and onto the floor in this moment of bliss. The moment ended by the noisy Marauders at the table yelling Remus' name and cheering, it's like those boys didn't understand the concept of a library. You pulled away and smiled at Remus. "Yeah, it sounds like you better get back to them." Remus looked at you and then to your book lying on the floor, he quickly picked it up and tried to apologize. "Y/N your book I'm sorr-" "It's okay Rem, I'm gonna have to re-read that last chapter anyways."

For the rest of the time you sat in the library reading you would look up every once in while just to see Remus and smile at him, or catch him reading something in the book to his friends. The feelings growing in your chest were assuring you that you may like him more than just a little bit.

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