Full Moon Arrangements

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Fandom: Harry Potter, Marauders Era

Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader (Sirius x Reader too sort of)

Warnings: Mature themes?? Angst, no smut but mentions of it, wolfstar if you squint.

Request: ok so the reader is Remus's friend with benefits for the around the full moon and he's totally in love with her but when they come back together she's with Sirius and it's a serious relationship and Remus is heartbroken sorry that's a lotta angst

Word Count: 3 k

A/N: Okay so this took a turn I didn't expect so if you guys want maybe a smutty drabble to go along with this for either Remus and Readers first arrangement together or perhaps an expansion on the night that might or might not follow the end of this fic (yes I mean with wolfstar x Reader) just let me know, ask and you shall receive heheheh, if you catch my drift...

Remus is sat across from you, both of you sat sideways on the couch in your flat you share with Lily, both pretty high as smoke fills the room. It's 3 am, you should both be asleep, you try to keep your voices down since you know Lily and James are both asleep in Lily's room. Legs crossed and hands covering your giggling mouths making you look like two kids at a sleepover.

"So, very casual?" You ask.

"Yeah, like no feelings involved no strong attachment just pure, I wanna say lust but I don't know it sounds weird," Remus says with a giggle at the end.

"No, I totally get you." You smile with a nod.

You had somehow come to the topic that right before the full moon Remus gets incredibly antsy or maybe that's not a good word...high strung? Aroused? His sex drive gets turned to ten. This is a problem when he's a boy who doesn't like strangers and takes a long time to trust someone enough to let them in, he often finds himself, solving his own problem.

You complained about how you haven't been with anyone since your ex because you hate meeting new people and no one ever turns out to be the person they pretend they are in the end. Which left you, both young adults, early twenty's prime time for sleeping around both with a weird inability to do so.

Then, you decide you two should, every month before the full moon, meet up and since you both know each other and trust each other completely it won't be weird at all, wrong, and neither of you will get attached, also wrong.

This brings you to this current debate.

"So like, should I mark my calendar?" You ask with a giggle and he rolls his eyes.

"No, I'll just call you ahead of time but usually like two days before the full moon it gets the worst."

"Perfect! Monthly hookups with someone I can trust who won't steal my shampoo or other belongings while I'm asleep."

Remus laughs and then his face goes serious, "is that an actual problem?"

"It's happened twice actually!"

"Well, I promise not to steal your shampoo, or kill you in your sleep and I can even make you breakfast, sometimes, depends on the day."

"We can take turns!" You break into a fit of giggles. His knees are pressed to yours as you sink into the couch.

"Okay, sounds like a plan," he agrees.

"And no feelings!" You bring up what he mentioned earlier and he's not sure why it stings a bit as you say it. Probably because he's completely in love with you but that's beside the fact.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2020 ⏰

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