
5.2K 79 36

Fandom: Harry Potter (Marauders Era)

Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader

Warnings: None

Request: Hey can you do a Remus x reader where they bet each other that they couldn't last a week in the other's place so they use Polyjuice (sp?) potion and Lily is asking the reader (Remus) why she hasn't mentioned Remus and James/ Sirius is asking the same to "Remus" And they realize they like each other? Sorry it's kinda specific

A/N: This weeks edition of "Karli makes her own potion rules and invents a new use for Gillyweed", it's not canon but oh well, none of this really is :)) Also reader sees "after full moon Remus" and thinks "it just be like that with boys sometimes" because she's a dumbass. Shoutout to my mom for proof reading this <3 <3

Word Count: 5.2k

It was harmless, really. All meant in good fun, good competitive fun. But that's what you're friendship with Remus was like. Some called it sexual tensions, like Sirius, but you saw it as a competition. A competition of what exactly? Well, Everything you can name. It was always who got the better grade, who got the potion perfect and on and on.

Maybe it was just a weird excuse for you guys to hang out all the time because the world would end if you guys admitted to just wanting to be together, or at least admitted it to each other. So when someone asked why you and Remus had been in the Quidditch pitch for three hours in the cold fall weather you would say you were challenging each other, to see who was better when you had actually found yourself fooling around on the brooms not really accomplishing anything.

Today you sat in the library with him, seeing who could finish this chapter of the potions textbook faster, he always won.

"I wish we could brew this potion in class," Remus muttered while still half focused on reading.

You put your book down, completely stopping reading as you knew you were too far behind anyway to win and conversation with him was much better. "I mean, we could."

"Slughorn would never let us do it in class or after, Lily, on the other hand, he would definitely let her."

"But if we manage to get the ingredients we could totally find somewhere to brew it, we could do it during the next Slugclub meeting so we know the classroom will be empty..."

"So we are just going to brew Polyjuice potions and see who's ends up better? How will we know?"

You smiled mischievously at the idea that immediately popped into your head, your folded your hands together and leaned to the edge of your seat. "We could brew one of each other and then drink it."

"How long will it last?"

"Well, shouldn't you know that? Haven't you been reading your chapter Lupin? If it's good enough it will hopefully last an entire day." You teased as you pushed his book out of his hands and onto the table, grabbing his full attention before completely diverting yours to the new task, taking out a notebook and writing notes down.

"What are you doing now?"

"I'm doing my potions assignment and reading the chapter so I know as much as I can about the potion, so I can be better than you of course." You teased as you quickly looked back down at your notes scribbling a few important details to remember, Remus quickly mirrored you, the two of you stayed like that until Pince kicked you out just before curfew.


That night you had asked Lily when the nest Slugclub meeting was, stating that you were simply curious so she quickly forgot without asking too many questions about why you wanted to know.

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