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Fandom: Harry Potter Marauders Era

Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader

Warnings: none

Request: request:) so a remus x reader where the reader and remus have always been friends. they meet on the train, first year and remus noticed something about her. keeping his thoughts to himself, the years went by and by the time of the beginning of their 6th year, the two sit in their normal train seats and Remus tells all the thoughts he has kept to himself all these years. she reciprocates the feelings. the last two of Hogwarts are the best bc they are together:) thanks love your work

A/N: I was going to post this earlier but I went and watched the shape of water and it was beautiful in every way i highly recommend!

Word Count: 670

The train pulled up to the station as you waited to get on, your friend Remus was nowhere in sight, you always planned to meet up early so you could catch up before the rest of the boys got there.

You got on the train and sat in your usual seats looking out the window for Remus, and that's when you saw him running towards the train dropping the jumper in his hands and turning around to get it almost tripping over himself.

He was so cute and worried about being late, you felt your heart warm up just at the site of him and you pushed those feelings down, he was just your friend.

He fumbled into the seats sitting beside you, catching his breath and then turning to embrace you in a hug.

"Sorry I'm late Y/n I tried to hurry, I missed you." He rushed to speak and apologize at the same time.

"It's okay! So tell me all about your summer." You smiled.

"Well I told you most of it in our letters, so there's not much left to tell you, why don't you tell me about your summer."

"Well I guess I told you all there is worth telling in the letters, I spent most of the summer with some friends, this year my brother and his friends deemed us as 'not too annoying' and we were able to do a lot of stuff with them. But all my dumb friends were love sick over my stupid brother and his friends so that sucked."

Remus didn't know you spent the summer with a bunch of boys, not that you're not allowed he just, got a tad jealous.

"Oh Miss Y/n is too mature and too good to be love stricken by dumb boys."

You laughed at him making fun of you "Well I certainly was not going to chase after any of them, but maybe a different boy."

"Oh yeah? Are you looking for love this year y/n?" He asked an eyebrow raised and a smirk on his face.

"No, I'm looking to learn Remus, do you even know me? But I guess if I stumble into a boy worthwhile then maybe."

"And what makes a boy worthwhile?" He asked hoping he would fit your criteria.

"Well I'll leave that up to you, you can decide if a boy is worth my time."

He laughed. "Oh that's easy, none of them."

You laughed hitting him playfully on the shoulder. "Not even you?" The question was playful but you meant it and he could tell.

"Maybe me, if uh, if you'd want that."

You giggled as he stumbled over his words. "Has The Remus Lupin been secretly crushing on me this whole time?" You poked his reddening cheeks.

"Maybe... have you?"

"Definitely." You smiled as the small room became filled with the loud personalities that belonged to Sirius and James, with Peter slowly trailing behind them.

Remus kept his eyes trained on you, searching your smile for more answers but you gave none since the rest of the boys were here.

He whispered into your ear. "What do you mean definitely?"

You leaned closer to him whispering back "You shouldn't have been late and you would know." you teased him making him frown. He would have to wait until the two of you were alone again to continue this conversation, which wouldn't be for a while.

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