Not Alone - Part One

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Fandom: Harry Potter Marauders Era

Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader

Warnings: um injury?

Request: Can u do a Remus imagine where the reader is also a werewolf and they're dating? I love your Remus imagines 😍

A/N: I got the idea for this entire thing on the bus ride home on Friday and just hoped it would survive until Monday, cuz I didn't take the time to write all weekend long oops

Word Count: 1.9k

Remus sat in the bed talking with his friends, the full moon had been a fairly easy one for the boys, Remus was just staying overnight in the hospital wing as per Madame Pomfrey's orders just as a cautionary thing.

The hospital wing was empty and there was no fear and little pain in the room, his few wounds had all been patched up. The only sound to be heard was the boys jokes and laughs echoing through the room. That was until faint screaming could be heard from down the hall.

The doors were pushed open by two girls, both in the same year as the boys, dragging you into the room screaming crying and covered in blood.

The boys sort of stood there in shock while Madame Pomfrey helped the girls bring you to an open bed.

"What happened?"

One of your friends spoke up stuttering a bit, still in shock

"We uh, we got lost coming back from Hogsmeade and they left us behind so we had to walk and it got dark and we got lost, we knew where the edge of the forbidden forest met up with the path to the school so we uh followed the forest edge to get back."

Madame Pomfrey interrupted

"What happened to Y/N!"

"Oh uh, well as we were walking something came out of the forest and attacked us, it was dark I'm not really sure what it was, like a giant monster of some sort, it attacked Y/n first and managed to bite her neck and scratch her because she fought back before either of us were able to cast a spell or anything, I eventually used stupefy and we dragged her here as fast as we could!"

Madame Pomfrey's eyes widened, she froze looking at the wound while your friends held you down, still crying and screaming from the overwhelming pain. Once she examined the wound she looked over to the boys who were still staring in shock.

"Girls go wash up and go to bed. y/n will stay here, she is in good hands. James, Sirius I'm gonna need you to hold her down for me"

The girls were upset "What you don't think we can hold her down? We are her friends she needs us!"

Madam Pomfrey spoke sternly "Trust me these boys have more experience with this than you know, please go."

Your friends left the room slowly promising to be back in the morning while James and Sirius walked over to you taking a hold of your arms where Madame Pomfrey's hands were.

Madam Pomfrey was quick to attend to your wounds as you laid there crying and trying your best to stay still but you couldn't the pain was too great.

"Uh Madame Pomfrey" James spoke up. "is it uh, Is it bad?"

Madame Pomfrey looked up to James "You want to know if it's bad? Of course, its bad look at the poor girl, if you want an idea of how much pain she's in ask Remus."

James and Sirius were finally realizing what kind of 'monster' attacked you.

Remus watched from his bed, eagerly wanting to help but being unable, he didn't want you to be going through as much pain as he did, you didn't deserve it, his heart ached to see you in so much pain.

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