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Fandom: Harry Potter (Marauders Era)

Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader

Warnings: Uhm angst kind of that's it

Request: Can you do a imagine with Remus where the reader is pure blood and ALL her family is in Slytherin but she's in Gryffindor and in the summer they make her do the dark mark and the Marauders never find out but some weeks later Remus does and yn is crying saying that she didn't want that to happened and he tells her that everything is gonna be fine sorry my English is not good

A/N: Severus is rude, Regulus has a point. ALSO anon your English is great !!! Don't apologize <3

Word Count: 3.2k

There was nothing in the world that you couldn't trust Remus Lupin with, either because he cared enough to keep your secrets or simply didn't care enough to remember depended on the person.

When something happened you could confide in him, anything you needed to just tell someone you could tell Remus, hell you could confess to him that you were secretly in love with him if you wanted.

You did not want that.

You also did not want to tell him the events of your summer, so when the boys asked you said the usual. "Oh, I read a lot, hid in my room from my family-" which caused a laugh as always as your friends understood your hatred of your family, Sirius especially. "- and had to attend a few prissy pureblood parties." Little did they know the same parties had now become almost interchangeable with Death Eater meetings. This would make one of the boys comment that you didn't do any school work or reading as per usual and you would agree, school work was meant to be done the night before in a rush. If it wasn't then you wouldn't get good marks, you were a professional procrastinator.

You procrastinated on every assignment until the night before, you would procrastinate telling Remus about your feelings towards him until a suitable time, like never, and you would procrastinate telling your friends you were now a death eater, for as long as possible.

This was proven to be harder than you thought, long sleeves during a peculiarly warm fall day, never changing in front of any of your dormmates, never rolling yourselves up and instead letting them get as dirty as your hands and mastering a few quick cleaning spells. Those you had all anticipated, you hadn't anticipated a few other things, like Regulus or Severus.

You hadn't known Regulus was a death eater until you saw him at a "meeting" once but never spoke to him, you weren't sure who else knew and you didn't plan on talking to him about it. You and Regulus were never close and he and Sirius didn't seem to be on good terms currently, ever since Sirius left home, but you kept it in the back of your mind, not putting it away completely. He knew your secret, he knew who you were and he knew who you were friends with, you had to watch him.

Another person who knew your secret was Severus, though you weren't quite sure he really knew who you were, he definitely should from years of seeing you with the group of boys he loathed seeing. You were forced to speak to him at the meeting but never said your name, you hoped he was bad at remembering faces and when he saw you with the Marauders he wouldn't connect the dots.

As long as you kept your distance from him you would be safe, and that shouldn't be too hard. When you saw Severus while with the marauders you would make an excuse and walk the other way or sit further away from them in a shared class. Easy.

Or at least it was, fairly, until another mishap occurred between him, the Marauders and Lily.

Because of who they were as people the Marauders couldn't help but pull a prank on Severus after he had said some choice words to their beloved friend Lily. A prank that spiralled into Severus and Lily arguing anytime they were near each other instead of making him leave her alone like they hoped would be the result. There had been two arguments already today and you managed to avoid them both until you were walking down the hall with Lily, talking about random things with your arms interlocked. The Marauders were not far behind you, you could hear bits of their loud conversation. You were almost so busy trying to listen to Lily and eavesdrop on the boys behind you, you didn't notice Severus walking down the hallway and by the time you did he was too close and you couldn't unlink your arm from Lily's as your hands were filled with textbooks and notes. You were trapped, you looked at the ground focusing on your feet trying to keep the same walking pace, wanting nothing more than to sprint away pulling Lily with you under the premise of getting her away from Severus, she would argue that she will never run away from anyone.

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