A Monthly Mess

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Fandom: Harry Potter Marauders Era

Pairing: Remus x Reader

Warnings: blood...but not like violent blood... u kno

Request: Could you write something where the reader is on her period and leaks on Remus' bed (they are dating)? Xx

Word Count: 500

You awoke in the middle of the night not feeling good, you couldn't point your finger on it but you assumed your stomach was upset because you ate too much at dinner. You rolled over in your bed it was only 11 at night, you didn't want to wake any of your roommates up, they couldn't make you feel any better. There was a certain boy whos giant cozy sweaters and cuddles could cure just about anything though.

You had to decide if it was worth sneaking into their dorm for a good night's sleep... definitely worth it. You crawled out of bed sliding on your slippers and grabbing your wand from your night stand.

You quietly made your way down the stairs and all the way to the boys dorms, you quietly muttered the spell to break the boundary and before you knew it you were standing over Remus' sleeping figure.

Should you just crawl in or wake him up to ensure you get lots of cuddles? Better wake him up, you knelt down and whispered, "Remus, Rem Baby wake up hun" while you shook his shoulder gently.

He stirred waking up with a dopey look on his face, eyes widening when he realized it was you.

"Y/N love what wrong, what time is it?"

You crawled into his arms as he wrapped them around you, placing one in your hair and one at the small of you back rubbing small circles on both.

"It's late but I couldn't sleep I don't feel good I need love"

Remus smiled. "Well I have lots of that for you." He kissed your head and before long you were both fast asleep.


You awoke to a terrible feeling, you looked at the clock it was about 6 in the morning, you didn't need to get up to get ready for class until at least 7. You went to pull the blankets up but saw a terrible mess in the sheets when you did, your heart sank and you accidentally let a "fucking hell" slip out of your mouth just loud enough for Remus to hear.

"Y/N why are u up so early-oh merlin" he looked down and the blood stained sheets.

You pulled your hands to your face slightly embarrassed and unsure what to do but remus was calm and collected.

"Y/N love its okay, don't be upset. The sheets are nothing a little magic can't fix." you let out a deep sigh and stared at the ceiling "Love come on lets go get you cleaned up" he pulled the blankets down and led you to the bathroom turning the shower on to just the right temperature and closing the door, but not before saying. "No need to be embarrassed you clean blood of me once a month it's about time I do the same."

You had known before that Remus was the love of your life but it was stuff like this that proved he was even more special.

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