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Cheryl was your perfect 'good girl' image: straight A's, no detentions, no alcohol, no partying, helps out in the library, is on good terms with all of the teachers and she always goes to church.

Every day of Cheryl's short life, she'd been forced to attend Riverdale's SweetWater Church. But of course, Cheryl didn't mind because her father, Clifford Blossom, was the church's priest.

The Blossoms were your picture perfect family. A father, a mother and two children, Jason and Cheryl Blossom, the twins.

If there's one thing Jason and Cheryl were taught at a young age is that anything that is against the Bible is against gods respect.

They had to be perfect. Always perfect.

To church, Jason and Clifford would wear suits and Penelope and Cheryl would wear dresses that went to their ankles and completely covered their arms. They look like nuns, but of course, Cheryl didn't mind as it was the only thing she knew.

"Jason?" Cheryl called for her brother whilst she sat on her light oak bed in her lilac bedroom. "Yes Cheryl?" Jason smiled at his sister as he walked into her bedroom, wearing a dark blue jumper with beige suit trousers and a white collared, long sleeve shirt. "Are you ready for school?" Cheryl asked her brother as she pulled her duck egg blue skirt lower down so that is was reaching just below her tight-covered knees. "Yes Cheryl." Jason smiled as he neatened his collars.

On their walk to school, the twins often talked about their classes, their teachers, their friends (well, Jason's friends), and of course, the popular kids.

Jason opened the grand door of Riverdale High for his sister, who thanked him and walked inside of the building. "There's my friends, I'm gonna go say hi." Jason, who was considerably less formal when they were away from their parents, told Cheryl as he shoved his jumper into his backpack."Hey Blossom." A six-foot boy with jet black hair smirked at Cheryl once Jason had left. Cheryl ignored the boy and continued to put her books into her locker.

"Blossom." A sharp voice snapped over the chattering amongst the fellow students. Cheryl quickly stiffened and slowly turned around. "Nice glasses." The girl laughed as she popped her bubblegum. Cheryl pushed her glasses up the brink of her nose as she looked at the floor and shuffled her feet. "Where'd you get it? Your grandmas closet?" The girl laughed again. In fact, Cheryl has been given it from her grandmother, but of course, she'd never tell her that.

"Tell me Blossom, do you still touch girls?" The pink-haired girl asked Cheryl. She was referring to the time that Cheryl had tripped in the changing room, she had been purposely tripped over, and used her arms to keep her balance, but being the cursed girl she is, instead of finding a wall, or a locker, her hands found the chest of Toni Topaz.

Toni Topaz was the high school 'it' girl. She was always perfect. But not perfect to Cheryl's mothers standards, she was perfect to the fellow students of Riverdale High's standards.

She always wore crop-tops, jeans and the newest shoes. Her hair was always flawless and her makeup was nothing less than outstanding.

"Do you Blossom?" Toni smirked, awakening Cheryl from her dream. "I-I." Cheryl was cut off from Toni pressing her body against the redheads.

"Do I make you stutter?" Toni smirked, their faces were centimeters apart. "W-What? No!" The ginger blushed as Toni pulled back. "Whatever Blossom." Toni rolled her eyes as she reached out for Cheryl's hand, making the girls breath get caught in her throat. "I know you want me. You beg to touch me." Toni whispered into Cheryl's ear before she winked and left the scene.

A flustered Cheryl was left there feeling... something she's never experienced before.

Cheryl then stumbled to her science class, which she shared with Toni.

As Cheryl sat down, she felt something hit her on the head, so instinctively, she turned around and saw Toni and Veronica laughing. 'Wow.' Cheryl thought 'this class is going to be great.'

"So class, the definition of organisms is..." The teacher, Mr Darbyshire, droned on. All of a sudden, Cheryl felt something hit her on the head. She sighed and turned around to see a crumpled piece of paper laying on the ground. She picked it up and unfolded it.

'I'm sure you'd like to make... organisms with me ;)

- T'

Cheryl didn't understand their 'humor' so she rolled her eyes and put the paper into the trash bin that sat beside her desk.

After the class had ended, Cheryl headed to the PE changing rooms. Unfortunately, PE didn't have sets, so she was stuck with Toni... again. As Cheryl was getting changed, out of the corner of her eye, she saw Toni taking her top of. She saw her abbs, she saw her breasts that were pressed tightly against her sports bra, she saw her warm, chocolate eyes staring right back into her own... oh sh-

"What ya staring at, Blossom?" Toni asked the speechless redhead. "I-Umm, nothing!" Cheryl stuttered. Oh god, this girl had an effect on Cheryl's perfect speech.

"You sure about that?" Toni asked as she stepped closer to the now shirtless redhead who was standing in only her leggings, bra, socks and trainers. "Y-Yes." Cheryl stuttered as she looked at the floor.

"Do you want me?" Toni whispered into Cheryl's ear.
"N-no." Cheryl stuttered as her body was pressed firmly against Toni's and the wall. "Don't lie baby girl." Toni moaned into Cheryl's ear, making Cheryl experience that feeling again. That... Toni feeling.

"Alright ladies! Hurry up, we'll be meeting on the field in 5!" The female coach, Ms Jenkins, told everyone as Toni backed away from Cheryl.

"See ya there sweetheart." Toni winked at Cheryl before she threw her top over her head and ran out to join the other girls, leaving Cheryl, once again, flustered and experiencing the very new feeling.

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