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After Toni declared her love for Cheryl back in high school, they went on to get academic scholarships at Harvard. Cheryl studied English and Toni studied Law and Criminology. Cheryl chose English for her ever-growing love for the subject and Toni chose Law and Criminology to change her bad past.

Cheryl and Toni were twenty three when they graduated university and despite having a degree in English, Cheryl became a social worker to help kids that had an awful childhood, just like her. Toni also ignored the fact that she had a degree in Law and Criminology and became a mechanic for her love of bikes and cars.

"Pass me the pliers, babe." Toni reached her dirty hand out from underneath the car that she was working on. "And anyway, her parents are alcoholics and hurt her, so I'm looking for a foster home that she can stay in whilst I look for permanent adoptive parents." Cheryl explained her work day to her girlfriend. "Mhmm." Toni nodded, paying more attention to the car than her girlfriend. "Baby, listen to me." Cheryl pouted to the older brunette.
"I'm sorry, baby, I'm all ears now." Toni smiled as she appeared from underneath the car. "You need a shower." Cheryl giggled as she put her clean hand to Toni's chest, stopping the girl from kissing her. "Hey, my hands look this so that yours can look like that." Toni reasoned as she smiled at her girl.
"And I'm forever thankful for that, Miss Topaz." Cheryl smiled as she pecked Toni's nose quickly.
Cheryl's phone then rang loudly. "Let me go get this, you continue with your work, my love." Cheryl told her girlfriend as she pressed her lips to her temple before she left the room.

"Hello?" Cheryl asked as she answered the phone.
"Hello, is this Cheryl Blossom?" The voice answered. "Yes it is, why?" Cheryl asked the voice on the other side. "We have unfortunate news. Your mother, Penelope Blossom, and your father, Clifford Blossom, passed away last night due to a cocaine overdose." The other voice sympathized to the redhead. "Oh..." Cheryl whispered in pure shock.
"A man by the name of James Rupert will be coming to your residence to give you your inheritance tomorrow." The voice informed Cheryl. "Inheritance?" Cheryl asked, surprised that her parents had left her something. "Yes, you are the only living family member left, besides your brother, Jason. In your parents' wills, they explained that hey didn't want Jason to get the full inheritance." The voice told Cheryl. "Oh, ok, thank you." Cheryl whispered before she hung up and hesitantly walked back to Toni.

"T-Toni..." Cheryl stuttered as she walked into the garage. "Yes baby?" Toni asked, rolling from underneath the car. "Oh, babe are you ok?" Toni asked, immediately getting up to hold the crying redhead. "Penelope and Clifford are dead." The girl cried into her girlfriend's shoulder. Cheryl didn't refer to her 'parents' as Mother or Father anymore as they simply didn't deserve the title. "Shh, Cheryl Sweetie, it's ok, I'm here beautiful." Toni whispered as she rubbed small circles into the younger girl's back. "A man will be giving me my inheritance tomorrow." Cheryl shakily whispered to her girlfriend. "Ok, it's ok, I'll take the day off of work." Toni nodded quickly, kissing away Cheryl's tears.
"Thank you." Cheryl sighed, looking into her best friend's beautiful, brown eyes. "Hey, baba, it's my duty to make sure you feel happy, safe and loved. I've got your back through everything, my love." Toni reminded her love, kissing her softly after she did so.


It was the next day and Cheryl and Toni were gathered in their small, yet cozy, living room, anxiously awaiting the arrival of James Rupert.

After a few minutes of waiting, there was a heavy knock on the front door. Toni jumped up to get it.

"Hello, I am James Rupert, is Cheryl Blossom present?" He asked Toni in a formal voice.
"Yeah, she's right through here." Toni led he man towards her girlfriend. "Hello Cheryl, I was your parents' lawyer, they left you quite a big fortune in their wills." He seated himself on the armchair.

Toni sat down next to me as the man took a large scroll out of his briefcase.

"To our daughter, Cheryl Marjorie Blossom, we leave one hundred million dollars and Penelope Blossom's jewelry and clothes in her name. She is also left Thornhill Mansion with her twin brother, Jason Blossom." James read aloud to the two girls.
"Oh my god..." Cheryl gasped, flabbergasted.
"One hundred million? Where did they get the money!?" Cheryl asked Mr. Rupert I'm pure shock.
"As I still their lawyer, I cannot say." James replied back. Cheryl nodded. "The money will be transferred into your bank account and the jewelry is in here." James handed me his weighted briefcase. Cheryl opened it to find hundreds of rings, earrings, necklaces and other types of jewelry in there.

"Thank you so much." Cheryl thanked James before the man left.

"One hundred million then, eh?" Toni chuckled to herself. "One hundred million." Cheryl nodded, still quite unclear about why her parents had left their hated daughter such a large inheritance. "Baby, stop worrying." Toni sighed to her girlfriend as she tilted her head at her. "I'm not worrying." Cheryl lied.
"Cher, I can ready you like a book." Toni scoffed.
"Ugh, you get annoying sometimes." Cheryl joked. "But you love me for it." Toni beamed blissfully to the ginger. "Yes," Cheryl nodded, "Yes I do." She continued.

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