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It was a Sunday morning at the Blossom family were at church, regarding the Bible for what seemed like the one millionth time.

"Pay attention child!" Penelope whisper yelled at Cheryl who was thinking of Toni and and her soft, plump lips. "Sorry mother." Cheryl apologizes before sitting up straight, still thinking of Toni.

Just as Clifford was talking about marriage being only shared between a man and a woman, Cheryl's eyes were attached to a certain brunette walking in.

"Anyway, back to homosexuality, it's a sin. God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. If two people are truly in love, then it must be between different genders, otherwise it is not real. One can not simply, truly fall in love with someone of the same gender. God believes that we should all be heterosexual, not homosexual. So if you see any homosexual's tell them they are loveless and deviant." Clifford told the whole church room.

Toni looked at a tearful Cheryl. She honestly, if she could take away the pain, she would. It hurt her so much to see Cheryl upset. Toni then caught Cheryl's gaze, so she nodded towards the toilets before walking over to them. After thirty seconds of waiting, a crying Cheryl ran straight into her arms.

"Shhh, shhh, it's gonna be ok baby, I'm here." Toni whispered to the younger girl as she kissed her head gently. "It's not! It won't be! I just found out that my parents are homophobic and I'm not straight!" Cheryl cried into Toni's shoulder. "If they try anything Cheryl, and I mean anything, no matter how small or how big, I want you to call me and I promise I will be there for you, no matter what." Toni told the girl as she rubbed her back slowly.
"Thank you Toni." Cheryl sniffled ash she pulled away from the warm embrace.

"I'll see you at school then?" Toni asked as she took Cheryl's hand into her own. "Of course." Cheryl smiled back through her tears. "Oh, and Cheryl? If I say something... offensive, don't take it personally, I don't mean it, I'm just doing it so that things don't seem... different." Toni told the redhead who simply nodded in response.

Once seated again, Cheryl began to pay attention to her fathers words. They weren't true. Non of it. Clifford would brag about having the perfect family, when really, it was far from steady.


"Dinner!" Penelope Blossom yelled throughout the House. "Coming mother!" Cheryl and Jason Blossom called back to their mother as they walked down the stairs together. "Smells gorgeous, Penelope." Clifford smiled at his wife as he sat down in his chair at the end of the table. "I'm glad that someone's happy with what I give them." Penelope told Clifford as she looked directly at Cheryl.

Penelope was referring to when Cheryl didn't like her spinach when she was seven. Yes, the Blossom household really don't forget. Cheryl ignored it and continued to eat her lamb. "How did you enjoy my speech, Jason?" Clifford asked his only son.
"Rather interesting, Father." Jason replied with a smile. "Good." Clifford smiled as he quickly glanced at Cheryl.

When dinner was finished, Cheryl was made to clean up everything. But Clifford and Penelope told Jason that he couldn't help, as the woman's job was to clean and cook.

After Cheryl and cleaned up, she was made to finish her homework, which was English, her favorite subject.

The assignment was to write a poem about something you love.

Cheryl found herself writing about Toni, which was something her mind hadn't even thought about writing of, it was truly her heart.

Cheryl smiled at the finished product.

They was her lips smirk,
The way her eyes shine,
The way her heart speaks out to me,
The way she calls herself mine.

The body that has beautiful curves,
The body I wish to explore,
The body that's mine and mine only,
The body that I'll always need more.

The fact that she's always herself,
The fact that she's a romantic,
The fact that she'll always be there,
The fact that she drives me frantic.

The evidence that she cares,
The evidence that there's a 'we',
The evidence that she's perfect,
The evidence that she loves me.

Cheryl put the paper back into her backpack before getting changed. She then closed her eyes and let her tired body fall into a deep slumber.


Cheryl was minding her business at school when she felt a sharp pain in her pelvis area. She ignored the pain and went to her art class.

After art had flown by, and her drawing of Toni's eyes were finished, She felt someone grab her wrist and pull her. Cheryl turned around to see Toni pulling her into the toilet that they shared their... moment in.

"What's wrong?" Cheryl asked Toni as she locked the door. "You're on your period, baby." Toni told Cheryl who just looked at her in confusion. "Do you know what a period is?" Toni asked Cheryl a little shocked.
"N-no." Cheryl stuttered as she looked at the floor and shuffled her feet. "Well, it's where the egg in your body is ready to be fertilized, and when it isn't it is released, which means you bleed from... down there." Toni explained as Cheryl's eyes grew wider with each word.

Cheryl then looked down at her crotch area and saw a dark circle. "What do I do?" Cheryl panicked until Toni held her. "Here, change into these." Toni told Cheryl as she handed her a spare change of underwear and leggings. "I keep them in my bag incase of this situation." Toni smiled at Cheryl calmly. "Oh, wait!" Toni told Cheryl just before she closed the toilet stall. "I'll show you how to put a pad in." Toni smiled generously at her beautiful girlfriend.

"So then you put these things under there and boom! You've got a pad!" Toni giggled as she put the pad into her spare change of underwear, which she then handed back to Cheryl.

After Cheryl came out she but her lip in nervousness. "W-What do I do with these?" Cheryl asked her girlfriend as she lifted her old leggings and underwear into the air. "Well, you could either bin them, or put them in your bag." Toni smiled at Cheryl. "I-I-." Cheryl began but was interrupted by Toni. "Do you want me to bin them?" Toni smiled at Cheryl knowingly. "Yes please." Cheryl sighed in relief to the girl who knew her so well.

"Thank you, Toni." Cheryl smiled as she gently pecked her girlfriend's lips.

"Anything for you, Princess." Toni smiled warmly as she left the toilet to put Cheryl's clothes into the bin.

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