Cedric Diggory 》Wedding Planning

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Warnings: NONE IT'S THE FLUFFIEST THING I'VE EVER WRITTEN (though it gets a little suggestive at the end there)

Words: 301


"Let's elope," you sighed, placing your chin upon Cedric's shoulder. "Run away with me."

A smile grew upon his lips and a chuckle rumbled his chest. "Away from who? Our loving friends? Our families who are both thrilled that we're getting married?"

You nodded as much as you could. "Exactly. We could live in the countryside..."

"We already live in the countryside."

"The city, then!" you chirped, giving his arm a squeeze.

He laughed more and turned to look at you. His nose was mere centimeters from yours. "And give up this beautiful house that you cried in the first time you saw it because you loved it so much?"

"Technically," you said, poking his side, "I was crying because I was so happy that we were moving in together... and because the house was amazing, but that was secondary."

He grinned, leaning in and pecking your lips. "I was quite happy about that, too. Still am, actually."

You hummed happily before remembering what you had been on about. "We could go somewhere where no one knows who we are."

"I don't think there's a place on Earth, love. At least none with wizards." He wrapped his arms around you. "Besides that, you really do want a big wedding."

"I really don't," you replied flatly.

He laughed again, so hard it shook you both. "Is picking out flowers really that stressful?"

You nodded vigorously.

A smirk grew on your fiancé's face and he slowly and carefully pushed aside everything on the table in front of you before wrapping his arms around again and lifting you up onto it. He stood, gripping your waist and kissed you deeply. "How 'bout I distract you for a bit then? Ease the tension?"

Heat crept up your cheeks. "Yeah, I reckon that'd do the trick."

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