Charlie Weasley 》Why Are You Crying?

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Anonymous queries: Alright for the promo thing .. "Why are you crying?" & "Shouldn't you be with him/her?" with Charlie Weasley, please? :)


God, how cliche was this; crying at a ball? You tried to groan, but it came out as a hiccup. You stood up, gritting your teeth, and took off your fancy silvery heels, resigning yourself to spending the night alone in your dorm. You kept your eyes on the floor as you walked, mumbling to yourself. What an idiot.

"Y/N?" a familiar voice asked.

You looked up, finding your lifelong best friend, Charlie, standing at the end of the hall in a suit, fashionably late to the party as per usual. You let out a short laugh. "Heya, dragon boy. Nice getup."

He broke into a grin as he approached you, but the smile fell as he noticed the stray tears on your cheeks. "Why are you crying?" he asked. "And where's Nickolas? Shouldn't you be with him?" he added, looking around for your date.

Or who was supposed to be your date, up until the girl he actually wanted to at the dance with lost her own date at the last minute. You let out a huff and rubbed at your face embarrassedly before explaining the situation to him.

"—And now I'm going to go back and sleep the night away."

"Oh no you aren't," he said firmly, shaking his head. "You've been looking forward to this ball all year, and you look far too ravishing to waste, so you're going to march back in there with your new date and you're going to dance until there's no more music to dance to, and then maybe a bit more after that."

"My new date?" you asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Me, obviously! Come on!" Charlie took your hand and began dragging you back to the great hall.

You laughed as you were pulled along with him. "Can I at least put my shoes back on first?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2018 ⏰

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