Bill Weasley 》I Was Scared and I Ran

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thoseofgreatambition queries: Howdy could you do something for Bill with "You're always on my mind."and "I was scared and I ran."? Thank you!


How can a summer seem so long? How can you end up sitting across from the person you used to talk to for hours, with all words failing you? How can you avoid the eyes that defined your favorite color?

How could you have done what you did?

How do you explain it?

"You're always on my mind," Bill said, breaking the silence. You squeezed your eyes closed. The words cut like a knife. "I need you to know that. I need you to know that I haven't given up."

You wanted to cry, but you can't in front of him. You used to be able to. He used to be the one you went to when you had to let the tears fall. He used to be the one who wiped them away.

"Can you... Can I know why?" he asked.

You had to answer him. You owed him that.

"I was scared and I ran," you answered.

"Why were you scared?"

You looked up at him just for a second before averting your eyes again. "You'll tell me that it doesn't make sense."

"It doesn't have to make sense. If it scared you, I'll understand."

"We graduated."

"Graduation scared you?"

"No," you sighed. "It was the... the change that scared me. When we were in school, everything was so easy. We knew where our lives were, where we were going. But once it was over, everything was in the air. You were getting ready to become a curse breaker and travel the world and I... I didn't see where I could fit. And I'd rather have a clean break than watch us fade away. This hurt like hell but that would be so much worse."

Bill reached out and cupped your cheek, forcing you to look at him. "I know where you fit, and I would never, ever let us fade away, distance be damned. Do you really want to give up before you try?"

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