Bill Weasley 》I Think I Twisted My Ankle

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insearchofnewdreams queries: "I think I twisted my ankle.." "You're too damn cute" And "stop it,you're embarrassing me!" For Bill Weasley pretty please ;u;


In some bizarre kind of magic neither you nor anyone else could explain, you were the only kid in school who never got hurt when you fell from your broom. You may have gotten a few scrapes, but it was never anything that stopped you from getting right back in the game. Your Quidditch teammates loved you for it, and they'd learned not to pay too much concern about your topples.

So now, when you fell from the sky during practice, they kept zooming by, focused on their respective jobs. You landed on your feet as you had a hundred times before (you shouldn't even have kneecaps by this point) and fell back on your butt as you had a hundred times before (you also shouldn't have a tailbone.) You blinked and took a second to reorient yourself, and pushed yourself up, only to fall back down again with a soft hiss. "Bastard," you whispered, glaring at your right leg.

It took your teammates a minute to realize that you weren't getting back up, and it was Bill Weasley, your boyfriend, who was the first one to come down to check on you.

"You alright, love?" he asked as he touched ground.

You blushed as you looked up at him, embarrassed to be caught in this predicament. "Yeah, 'm fine!"

He raised an eyebrow at you curiously, then squatted down to be closer to your level. "You having fun with the grass, then?"

You forced out a laugh, which only made him look more disbelieving at your insistence that all was well. Sighing, you leaned in closer to him, as a few other teammates had now landed as well. "I think I twisted my ankle," you whispered.

He stared at you for a second before bursting out in a fit of laughs, showing no concern for your well-being whatsoever. You shot him a glare.

"I'm sorry," said Bill, waving you off, "it's just, you act like it's so shameful, spraining your ankle. You're too damn cute." He gave your cheek a pinch before standing and offering you his hands to help you up.

Reluctantly, you allowed him to pull you off your arse, balancing on one leg as you stood. Just as you were about to wrap your arm around his waist and allow him to escort you to the infirmary, he hooked an arm under your knees and the other around your back and lifted you up, bridal style.

"'Ere we go," he said, bouncing you slightly to adjust you in his arms.

Your face flushed bright red as you were keenly aware of your teammates' eyes on you. You slapped his shoulder lightly. "Stop it, you're embarrassing me!"

A grin grew across his face as he started walking. "I'll take care of you, my princess!" he shouted, loud and clear for the whole team to hear. "Don't you worry!"

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