Bill Weasley 》I'm Sorry I Yelled At You

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Anonymous queries: "Why would you think that was a good idea?" , "I'm sorry I yelled at you..." , and "here let me see." With Bill?


Tears stung at your eyes as you wrapped the tail of your robe around your bleeding arm. You were sat on the ground beside the black lake, and Percy was shining a light into your eyes to check if you had a concussion, when you saw his brother come running your way. You groaned to yourself — Bill had been on you just last night about your recklessness and you promised him you'd be more careful, and here you were today, getting in a broom duel with some fat-headed Ravenclaw boys who were known to be some of the best duelers — and flyers — at Hogwarts.

Percy gave you a sorry expression when he saw how angry his oldest brother looked as he approached.

Bill stopped in front of you, positively fuming. "Why," he began, gesturing up to the sky where you'd fought with the boys, "would you think that was a good idea?"

You glanced over at Percy, who was staring at the grass, looking like he wanted to be anywhere but here. Looking back at Bill, you shrugged. "They were running their mouth like always. I got tired of listening to it."

"So you dueled them?! Because they were 'running their mouths?' What is this—"

"She was defending me!" snapped Percy.

Bill froze, surprised by the normally level-headed young boy's outburst. "Defending you from what?" he asked, his voice much softer.

You looked up at Percy, frowning. "Perc, you don't gotta—"

"They were picking on me about my clothes and being a blood traitor and they pushed me into the lake, so Y/N came and stood up to them!" said Percy indignantly.

Bill looked between you and Percy, dumbstruck. "Why didn't—"

"She didn't want to tell you because she didn't want to embarrass me in front of you. She was just trying to be nice to me!" he said indignantly.

You stared down at your lap. Distantly, a bell rang.

"You get on to dinner, Percy," said Bill with a sigh, "I got it from here."

Percy looked at you as though asking permission (he hated being late to anything, but he also hated being rude to you.) You gave him a nod, and he scurried off, but not before giving you one last appreciative smile.

When he was gone, Bill knelt down in front of you. You kept your gaze glued to the grass, not wanting to make eye contact.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you..." he said quietly.

"It's okay. I understand."

He reached out to cup your cheek. "Can you look at me, baby?"

Reluctantly, you looked up at your boyfriend. Surprise covered his face when he saw the tears on your cheeks, but the look was quickly replaced by guilt. You wiped the tears away with your free arm. "'S not you," you said. "It's the pain. I didn't wanna cry while Percy was here, but..."

"It's alright, love, let it out." Bill rubbed your thigh comfortingly as the tears tell harder. He nodded toward your hurt arm. "Here, let me see."

Cautiously, you unwrapped your robe from around your arm.

Bill winced at the sight of it. "Bloody hell," he hissed.

"Well if I'd known that was how you were going to react!"

"You're right, my bad," he said, squaring his jaw so as not to grimace any further. He held out his non-wand-hand for you to squeeze. "This is gonna hurt a bit, sweetheart. You're a badass, though, so I know you can handle it. You ready?"

You nodded, closing your eyes and bracing yourself. He said a spell you didn't know and more pain flooded through your arm. You let out a soft "fuck" and squeezed his hand tighter than what was possibly comfortable. After a moment, though, the pain was all gone and you opened your eyes again to a nervous Bill. When you looked down, the wounds on your arm had healed and you gave a relieved sigh. "Thank you," you whispered.

"Anything for you," he said, standing up and pulling you with him. When you were up, he wrapped an arm around your waist and began leading you back towards the castle. "Let's go see madam Pomfrey just for safety's sake, alright?"

"Of course. We don't have to tell her what happened, do we?"

He shook his head. There was a bout of silence as you walked, and then he said "Thank you. For defending him."

"I didn't do it for you," you said lightheartedly. "I care about Percy. I think part of dating you was taking on six additional siblings." You looked up at him, catching the beautiful smile on his face. "I'm sorry, you know, for not listening to you about my recklessness. I know getting into that fight was a bad idea, I just..."

"It's alright," said Bill. "I do worry about you a lot, but you wouldn't be the girl I love if you hadn't done it."

You stopped in your tracks, and it took a second for Bill to notice. He gave you a quizzical look.

"You said you love me," you spoke quietly. "You've never said that before."

Bill let out a small laugh and closed the distance between the two of you. "Yeah, well, I have for a while now. I was just waiting for the right time to let you in on it. But you know, with you constantly risking your life and all, I figure I should confess before you get yourself killed," he joked before leaning down and pressing his lips to yours.

You grinned into the kiss. "Y'know, I love you, too, Weasley."

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