James Potter 》Confetti

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Summary: Sometimes confetti speaks louder than words.

Warnings: N/A

Words: 555


Alice was shaking confetti out of her hair as the two of you ambled through the castle's halls. In congratulating her for acing a test she'd been worried about, you'd shot the colorful, glittery paper out of your wand, covering her in it. It wasn't a trick of yours she was unfamiliar with. It was one of your favorite spells and you used it almost daily — hyping your friends up, congratulating them, showing Sirius how proud of him you were for behaving himself, expressing your own excitement, etc. None of your friends had gone without being confettied, and even Filch knew that the stray confetti that constantly decorated the halls could almost always be traced back to you.

Your friend was in the middle of telling you a story when you came across the self-proclaimed marauders. You both paused to shoot them smiles, and three out of four of them grinned back, eyes twinkling with all-too-familiar mischief. Sirius, Remus, and Peter began nudging James and whispering things in his ear.

"Alright, alright," he hissed back at them, the tips of his ears turning bright red.

Their smiles grew even larger, and Sirius and Peter rushed forward and linked arms with a confused Alice, saying something about having to talk to her about homework. Remus led them off, and you were suddenly alone with James in an empty hallway.

"Hello," you said brightly, twirling your wand between your fingers as he shifted on his feet. "Something wrong?"

He opened and closed his mouth repeatedly, looking much like a fish, before finally spitting out "I have something I need to tell you."

"I'm all ears, Jamesy."

His mouth twitched into a smile at your nickname for him. He shuffled forward a bit, until he was close enough that you could touch him if you wanted to. The blush he wore now reached his cheeks. "I, uhh..." He froze, then huffed.

"Take your time, 's alright."

His shoulders relaxed, and he finally met your eyes for the first time since the conversation began. "You know we've been friends for a while now."

"Five years," you nodded.

"Right. And you know you've always been my biggest supporter through everything. You're always patient and you believe in me and you're there for me when I need a pick-me-up. You're charming and lovable and so sweet—"

"Thank you, that's really nice of you to say."

"—and having you in my life has been one of the best things to ever happen to me, really. And I realized recently that... well, I keep wishing I could be closer to you and I think— I know now that my feelings for you aren't what they used to be."

You tilted your head to the side, confused. "Alright..."

"They're not so... platonic anymore. More of a... 'I want to hold your hand and kiss you and tell everyone that you're my girl' kind of way." He took a deep breath. "I fancy you, you see."

Your mouth opened, though no words seemed to escape it. You'd fancied James for years, but you never thought he'd even notice you in that kind of way, let alone actually want to be with you.

You were still trying to formulate words when your wand gave a little 'poof' and you were both covered in glittering confetti.

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