Bill Weasley 》This Tastes Bitter

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Anonymous queries: "This tastes bitter..." and "That stuff can't be good for you!" and "Why are you giving me such a hard time about this?" With Bill??


"Here," you said, holding out a squishy pink cube to Bill as he entered the Burrow's kitchen, "try this for me." You were the founder of Weasley's House of Sweets, and he was often made to taste-test your inventions, not always for the better.

Your husband reluctantly popped the thing into his mouth while you, Fred, and George watched, rapt. His face twisted in disgust. "This tastes bitter..." he said before swallowing it unhappily.

You huffed in annoyance.

"That's what we said!" said Fred. "I swear, you're losing it, Y/N. And you call yourself a confectioner..." He shook his head, tsking you.

You narrowed your eyes at Fred, glaring, and mumbled, "Why are you giving me such a hard time about this?"

"She insists that it's sugary sweet," George explained to Bill. "She's eaten loads of it today."

Bill's eyes widened. "That stuff can't be good for you!" he exclaimed, gesturing towards the god-awful 'candy' on the table. "What is it even made out of?"

"Nothing toxic," you answered with a shrug.

"Nothing good for you, either," George added.

Fred pushed a bowl of hard, round, orange candies toward him. "And she says these are bloody disgusting for chrissakes!"

Hesitantly, Bill took one and popped it in his mouth, too. He raised an eyebrow. "These are fantastic. They taste like oranges... and pineapple... and strawberries..."

"Yeah, they change flavors," you grumbled. "I keep getting mustard and pickles and anchovies. It's nauseating. I don't get it. Everyone else says it's fruity but..." You froze, eyes widening. "Oh shit." Your face scrunched up as though you'd just realized you were an idiot and you pinched the bridge of your nose.

"What's wrong?" Bill asked.

"I was wondering why your mum congratulated me this morning. I should have known..." Sighing, you looked up, meeting his confused eyes. "I'm pregnant."

There was a long silence in the room as the three boys stared at you, shocked at your revelation. Your expression didn't give away your feelings on the matter, but Bill's heart was beating so hard in his chest he was sure you must have heard it. He was trying to gather the words to tell you how absolutely thrilled he was, but Fred talked first.

"So we have to deal with nine more months of your defective tastebuds making you crank out the devil's candy?!"

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