My Way Home Is Through You. (Frerard) Chapter 2

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Sorry The last chapter was so short, guys! I'll try and make this one longer. Thanks for reading!

Instead of going to class, I go to the bathroom to get cleaned up. As I walk in, I see a boy standing there. He gasps as he takes in my bloody face. I examine him as well.

He is beautiful! He has black hair, which is spiked at the back, dark eyes. which are wide with shock at the moment. His lip is pierced and so is his nose. He has a silver ring in each. He interrupts my thoughts by speaking.

"Umm.. are you okay..?"

I don't know how to answer him, I just turn to look in the mirror. As soon as I see my reflection, I start to sob. My favourite band tee is covered in blood, it's ruined! 

"Hey.. what's wrong? What happened? You okay?" the boy asks in a soothing voice, he walks over to me and offers a hug.

I sob into his shoulder, uncontrollably as he holds me tight.

"We've gotta get you cleaned up." he says, releasing me.

He helps me clean the blood off my face as he introduces himself.

"So I'm Frank Iero," He starts. "I'm new to this school. I didn't really feel like going to class though, so I came here. What's your name?"

*Gerard Way." I reply.

"Well Gerard, I don't think you can go to class with your shirt covered in blood, you wanna come my house so we can get it cleaned and ..stuff?"

I nod, silently.

We walk out to the car park, and I follow him to his car. He has a beautiful, red porsche. As I open the door and sit next to him, I feel his eyes examining me again, but when I look over, He blushes and looks away.

When we get to his house, he stops the car, but makes no attempt to get out. He just turns to face me.

"Umm, Gerard? I was just wondering this, but umm.. why are you covered in your own blood, anyway?" He asks me, blushing again.

"Because I'm gay." I reply.

"Oh.." his eyes, disappointed.

"What is it?!" I ask, defensively.

"Well.. umm.. is everyone like that? Like, beating you up, just because you're gay?"

"Well to be honest..? Yeah.." I reply truthfully, examining his face.

He looks scared now.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"N-nothing." He stutters.

I was about to ask him, but he ends the conversation by opening the door and getting out.

My Way Home Is Through You. (Frerard)Where stories live. Discover now