Chapter 1

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Jungkook was walking down the hallways to the reception where he was called. He didn't even know why since he was sure he hadn't done anything to annoy the teachers today.

They probably just called him so he could do something they didn't want to do or didn't have someone competent to do it so why not settle for second best? Although Jungkook was technically the best.

"You called me?" He asked Mrs. Su as she typed on her phone. She looked up at him and then motioned a boy forward, that Jungkook hadn't noticed had been sitting there.

"Yes, we want you to show our newest student around for a little bit. And don't slack off or we'll know. His schedule is the same as yours for the first few days so he can get the hang of the place. His name is Kim Taehyung and he's just a year older than you, though his parents had to travel one year and he didn't go to school a year, which is why he ended up in your grade. Now, no more questions and here's your pass so no teachers annoy you more than you annoy them." Jungkook scowled and snatched the pass from her hand.

He imitated the way she had threatened him and she threw a pencil at his head, causing him to duck and for it to land inside the trash.

"Come on, Kim Taehyung." Jungkook felt like calling him 'hyung' would be too cringe so he just went with his full name for now.

They walked in silence and Jungkook glanced at their new student.

He was silent and had a neutral look on his face as he looked around. He had grey hair that he guessed had been dyed, it was becoming a trend now and he didn't really get it, and a few piercings on his ears and one on his bottom lip. His skin was a nice tan color that made him look like he was glowing and his eyes were a dark brown.

If Jungkook didn't already have a boyfriend that he loved very much, he would've definitely fallen for Kim Taehyung and he also knew that this boy was going to become one of the heartthrobs of the school very soon.

But then there was another question in Jungkook's mind.

Who the hell would transfer schools in the middle of the year?

"This is Mr. Kim's English class, he has eyes behind his head so be careful when you try to hit him with a spit ball."

"I heard that, Mr. Jeon."

"Moving on." Jungkook quickly closed the door and carried on.

They'd already passed Taehyung's locker so the boy could place his bag and everything in there and grab some of the books he'd need after the tour was over with.

Jungkook contemplated banging his head against the wall when the bell rang and students filled the halls.

Taehyung raised an eyebrow at Jungkook, the kid was so strange and he wanted to correct him everytime he called him by name and tell him that he was in fact his 'hyung' so the younger better respect him, but he didn't care enough to do that.

"No! Yoongi!" They both felt a gust of wind as a silver haired male ran past them with another black haired one right on his tail.

Taehyung blinked and then turned around to see what was happening. The black haired one had finally caught the silver haired one and had lifted him up onto his shoulder.

"Who're those two?" Jungkook seemed to shiver and shook his head.

"Park Jimin and Min Yoongi. The silver one is Park Jimin and the black one is Min Yoongi. They're like the it couple of the school and yet Yoongi-sunbae hates everyone and would gauge anyone's eyes out if they even looked at Jimin. Look away." Jungkook quickly lowered Taehyung's and his heads when the couple passed them and Jimin's squeals filled the hall.

Taehyung raised his eyes and they met the chocolate ones of Jimin, the silver hair immediately looked away and wrapped his arms around Yoongi's neck when the older held him bridal style instead of over his shoulder.

"Is Jimin okay with that? The possessiveness I mean?" Jungkook shrugged.

"I don't know. They say they've been together since middle school, Yoongi is older than Jimin but he failed a year so he could stay with him until senior year, they're both juniors now." Taehyung blinked and then looked at the retreating couple.

"He has nice lips."

"Well, Yeah, and they're taken. And as far as anyone knows, Jimin is never leaving Yoongi and neither is the other. So no one has a chance. I really don't advise going close to them. Now let's continue this tour, those two aren't the only ones wanting to be with their boyfriends."

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