Chapter 6

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"Tell me again why I agreed to come here?" Taehyung grumbled as he placed the cups of beer and liquor on the table. Jungkook and Hoseok we're grinning as they plugged in the speaker as putting up some strings.

"Cause both your lover boys - for once since they came to this school - agreed to come to this party after much begging from Hobi's side." The basketball player just shrugged and kissed Jungkook's cheek.

"I'm gonna go and bust open our treasure." Jungkook whined.

"But Hobi! Those snacks are only for us!"

"I'll fill it up again later, baby." Jungkook stayed silent and Hoseok grinned again, opening a cabinet and taking out a basket filled to the brim with junk food that had Taehyung's face scrunching up in both disgust and amusement.

But then he realized something.

"They're not my lovers!" He shouted and Jungkook burst out laughing.

"Yet! It's obvious how much you like the both of them! And they must like you too if they even let you talk to them! Besides, I heard they're only coming because you're coming-"


"It's true!" Jungkook pouted and then turned to Hoseok. "Tell him, Hobi." The younger's boyfriend laughed and nodded.

"I was the one who invited them. They weren't going to accept but then I told them you're coming and they were on board just like. This is whipped culture." They both burst out laughing as Taehyung blushed and grumbled, deciding to go out and greet the students that were gradually coming in. He needed to get away from those two dorks before they give him a heart attack.

All those lies they were spouting...unless they weren't lies and Taehyung should actually contemplate killing himself now.

But then again this was Jungkook and Hoseok, he really shouldn't be troubling himself with what the couple says. He focused on letting everyone inside the house that they knew were legal to drink. Though he was sure some would still somehow sneak in and get wasted. He didn't care.

And the it couple of the school arrived and Taehyung held his breath.

Jimin's silver hair was pulled back messily and yet looked gorgeous. He was wearing a dark blue satin shirt with the first button unbuttoned and skin tight black leather jeans and wearing multiple earrings. Taehyung guesses they were the clip kinds, seeing as he couldn't pierce his ears.

Yoongi on the other hand, had his hair parted and curled, simply wearing a black turtleneck and jeans with a jacket on top. Taehyung noticed a piercing on his eyebrow, three on his left ear and two on his right. God, he paled by comparison in his white t-shirt, leather pants and blue jacket.

Jimin face split into a smile when he saw Taehyung and even Yoongi managed a small smile.

"Taehyung! You're here!" Taehyung wasn't sure if Jimin was actually surprise or just acting, either way he couldn't keep his eyes off of the two.

He realized how much he'd changed in the few weeks he's been here. He thought he'd be trying to just win the heart of one of this couple, not liking both of them. And he definitely hadn't counted on the fact that they might like him back cause the chances weren't as positive as he would've liked them to be.

"Yeah, Jungkook decided it was fun to annoy his hyung into helping them with this party." Music was already blasting inside and Taehyung sighed, he's going to have a headache tomorrow and it wasn't even because he was drinking.

Jimin giggled and Taehyung wanted to swoon, he was a sucker for Jimin's giggles. Well, so was Yoongi it seemed.

"You just wanted to do. Otherwise why would you accept? I wouldn't." Taehyung blushed slightly and glared at Yoongi.

"Then why are you here, Yoongi?"

"Yoongi hyung and I only came because Jiminie was coming." Ok, that might have made his heart shrivel up a little but he wasn't going to show it and just waved the other off.

So much heartbreak in only a few days.

"You're both always at each other's throats. Really, just calm down. Let's go inside." Before Jimin went inside, Taehyung stopped him.

"I really doubt you wanna go in there. Let's circle around to the pool. Maybe it won't be as crowded as the inside." He wasn't mistaken, there were only a few couples out and they were either making out or just talking with a cup of beer in their hands.

Taehyung sighed in the almost silence. The music coming from the house barely heard now.

He sat down at the edge of the pool, feet cross crossed because he could dip his feet in. Curse his leather pants.

Jimin sat down next to him and Yoongi followed, thought he did kick off his shoes and roll up his pants.

"This is nice." Jimin mumbled as he laid his head against Taehyung's shoulder. He was surprised that Yoongi didn't seem to mind and just stroked his thigh, Taehyung's thigh.

"Hey, Taehyung?" He hummed, placing his head on Jimin's.

"You wanted to know parents right?" Taehyung's ears perked up and he turned to look at Jimin, surprised with the subject.

"Well, only if your comfortable." Jimin bit his lip and then turned to Yoongi, who nodded and laced their fingers together, giving comfort to his boyfriend.

"Yeah, we both want to tell you."

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