Chapter 3

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After he got a hang of the school, he stopped accompanying Jungkook to classes and went to his own, which he found out he had four with Jimin and Yoongi.

He had made sure he would sit close to the beauty but to his luck, he only caught the seat behind him, not that he was complaining much but he really wanted to see Jimin's beautiful face.

He was soft with the prettiest curves Taehyung had ever seen and his voice, don't even get him started on that dreamy and angel like voice.

He glared at the hand that Yoongi had stretched to place on Jimin's thigh, he wanted to snatch it away and wrap Jimin in a blanket and protect him from everything bad in the world.

"Jimin." He called out once class had ended and the smaller turned to look at him and he flushed pink, which kind of gave Taehyung's ego a boost.

"O-Oh, hey Taehyung. Something wrong?"

"No, I was just wondering if you would like to have lunch with me?" Jimin bit his lip and then looked at Yoongi, who appeared next to him a moment later.

"What is it, Minnie?" The soft way Yoongi talked with Jimin surprised Taehyung, even though technically it shouldn't.

"Can we have lunch with Taehyung here, please?" Taehyung frowned at them. Jimin shouldn't take permission from Yoongi, he could do whatever he wanted, couldn't he?

"Course, Minnie. Whatever you want."

And that's how they ended up sitting opposite each other, glaring daggers.

Jimin wasn't as naive as everyone thought him to be, in fact, he was one of the most observant people Yoongi had ever know. Which was why it was obvious to him how his boyfriend did not like Taehyung. At all. And that he was doing this just for Jimin and it was sweet and all but he felt like he was going to suffocate from the tension.

"H-hey, Taehyung, I heard you came from a private school. What made you transfer to this one?" Jimin tried to lighten up the mood and grabbed Yoongi's hand, gently squeezing to tell him to stop glaring dammit.

Taehyung turned to Jimin and nodded, confirming that he indeed had come from a private school.

"Annoying people. They all knew me there because of my mom so I came to a public one. Also because the teacher's hated my guts but I'm not gonna go into detail for that." The corners of his mouth twitched and Jimin laughed a little.

"If I didn't know better, and I don't, I would say you were the typical bad boy."

"Your boyfriend is the typical bad boy." Yoongi rolled his eyes at Taehyung and squeezed Jimin's hand back because that was the only thing holding him back from lunging over the table and beating this boy to a pulp.

"Yoongi is actually a huge softie. Well, only for me I guess. You wouldn't see him dressing up in all girl clothes for just anyone." The blonde's cheeks turned a deep red as he gave Jimin a look like he had been betrayed.

"What, hyung? You were cute!" Jimin protested and Yoongi banged his head against the desk which Jimin giggled at and kissed his head.

Taehyung looked between the two and huffed, crossing his arms. He didn't see anything cute about the older basketball player.

"I heard you knew each other since middle school." Jimin stopped poking Yoongi for a moment and it felt like they both had stopped breathing before Yoongi answered.

"Yeah, Jimin was a year younger than me but we were neighbors and that's how we met. Something wrong with that?" Yoongi narrowed his eyes at Taehyung and maybe the other knew why Yoongi was being so defensive. They were both scared he knew something about when they were in middle school.

As far as Jungkook told him, no one had been in the same middle school with them since they had been living in Busan and then came to Seoul for high school like the many of them. They think he might know something they were keeping a secret. Taehyung wasn't going to reveal anything even if he did know. Which he didn't. Not at all.

"Nothing. I was just curious. You two seem so close I was just wondering." Taehyung's eyes shifted to Jimin who was fidgeting in his place and he was sure if he leaned in a little more he could see how tightly Jimin's hand was clutching Yoongi's. Somehow he knew and didn't need to see it to prove it.

"Well, being together for such a long time does that to a person." The air was so thick around them that they could suffocate on it but Yoongi wasn't ready to die just yet.

"We have to go to get our books for the next class now. If you don't mind, we'll be going." Jimin looked back at Taehyung when they were close to the cafeteria doors and bit his lips before looking away.

Maybe Taehyung still has a chance with the silver-haired male even if he was already taken.

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