Chapter 5

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"So you're telling me, that Jimin can't stop bleeding without medical help?" Taehyung was trying to slowly process this as he stared at the pure and beautiful boy on the bed sleeping. It was to stop him from panicking and moving so much to cause more blood to flow to his palm that was still bleeding after about two hours.

Taehyung had been coming to check on him after every class while Yoongi didn't even leave his side which kind of made him guilty but the professor's had threatened him if he skipped another lesson they'd tell his mother and that was something he wanted to never happen.

"Yes, it's always been like that ever since we were young. Besides his parents, it took me a while to know, until we were in middle school and I knew a little about the stuff. By then, his parents had kicked him out and I made it my job to protect him with my life." That might be the longest that Min Yoongi had talked to him and Taehyung blinked, he wasn't going to admit that his voice was hot.

Nope. Sue him.

"So is he going to be okay?" Yoongi's hand stroked Jimin's face, pushing the hair from his sweaty forehead.

"He's going to be fine after a few hours. But we have to be careful he never gets hurt again. This isn't a joke. He could faint from the simplest cuts and die from what we think is just a small wound." Taehyung gulped, he understood what Yoongi was talking about.

He was willing to help Jimin.

But a question still lingered in his mind.

If Jimin is in such a state, why did his parents kick him out?


Everyone in the school knew about Yoongi and Jimin's outburst in the gym. It was everything they could talk about and since Taehyung was one of the three people involved, he had students bombarding him with questions about what happened.

And he may or may not have been sent to the principle's office because he punched some girl in the face for calling Jimin a crybaby.

Justice knew no gender. And she definitely deserved it.

Jimin woke up just before the bell for the last period rang and had to stay with Ms. Kang so she made sure he didn't bleed anymore, changing his bandages and then he could go home.

Which meant going home with Yoongi to the oldest house which he didn't like but it wasn't like he would force the other to stay with him when he was clearly more comfortable with Yoongi.

That didn't stop him from texting him every few seconds until Jimin sent him a selfie, saying 'I'm going to go to bed so you should too, Tae. Goodnight~😘'. Yeah, well, Taehyung was sure if he didn't kiss Jimin breathless tomorrow he would explode.

And god was he tempted when he saw the older at school but Yoongi was there and he knew if he tried he'd probably scare the beauty off.

He wondered what the ruckus was about though, seeing as almost everyone was turning around to stare at the couple. He knew for a little it was about the incident in the gym but it couldn't be all that.

Apparently, Yoongi had gotten into a fight with a guy from the football team and almost broke one of his fingers. If Taehyung thought he was aggressive when it came to Jimin. Yoongi took it to a whole new level. He was surprised they both weren't expelled already.

Maybe him and Yoongi had more in common than they let on.

"You okay?" Jimin smiled slightly and lifted his wounded hand up, showing it was getting better.

"I'm fine. I got an injection from Ms. Kang and we went to the hospital in case. I'll have no problems healing for now." Taehyung smiled, placing a hand around his shoulders that made Jimin blush and Yoongi glare at him.

"That's great, Jimin."

"Jimin hyung." Yoongi corrected but Taehyung just ignored him which made Jimin giggle.

"It's alright, Yoongi. Taehyung is our friend now, right?" Okay, maybe that stung more than it should've. But Taehyung guessed it was only fair since he really wasn't anything more for Jimin or Yoongi. For now.

"Whatever you say, baby. We have to get to class now before Mr. Buttface starts bitching." Jimin slapped him lightly on the chest for his choice of words and Taehyung chuckled.

"You mean Mr. Su? Yeah, he is a buttface. And bitches a lot." Jimin huffed and walked away from them as the two burst out in laughter.

Maybe he didn't just like Jimin. Yoongi wasn't as bad as he showed himself to be and it was charming if you asked Taehyung.

He tapped his pencil against the desk, his notebook open in front of him as he sketched some designs that had gotten into his mind when he'd seen Yoongi's style this morning.

He wanted to pursue fashion. He knew how hard it was but he was willing to risk it and if it didn't work out, he could still try to model with a little help from his mother and father.

He jumped in his seat when a few books were dropped onto his desk and he glared up at the culprit.


The kid was so disrespectful to his elders and a complete menace. At least, only to the people he liked while he was a Why blushing flower to others. Just shows how today's society worked.

"Yah, what do you want?" Jungkook smiled and that was when Taehyung knew whatever Jungkook wanted was nothing good.

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