Chapter 7

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Taehyung was pretty sure his heart was going to beat out of his chest. Jimin dragged him gently by the hand into the house and asked Jungkook the way to the bathroom - who almost had a double heart attack, one from Jimin talking to him and two because of Yoongi standing right next to him - and then locked the door of the bathroom behind them.

He wondered if they brought him here to murder him but by the way his heart was hammering against his chest, he was on the way to heart failure.

He flinched a little when Yoongi turned to him and crossed his arms, leaning against the wall.

"Alright Taehyung, just...don't scream and let us explain, ok?" He has no idea what was going on but he needed and in the next moment, he regretted it.

Jimin pushes his hand through his leather pants and for a moment Taehyung thought he was going to pull out his dick but instead he pulled out....a dildo.

His mouth went dry as the leather pants snapped back onto Jimin's waist and this time, instead of the bump of where his dick should've been, it was flat.

He would've screamed, if it weren't for Yoongi quickly slapping his hand onto Taehyung's mouth who had to take a quick breath through his nose.

"I'm sorry! I just need you to stay cam while I explain!" Yoongi finally took his hand away and Taehyung felt slightly dizzy.

"H-how do you not have a dick? How is this possible? A-are you transgender?" Yoongi shook his head.

"It isn't exactly being transgender. He's intersex. When we were young, we all thought Jimin was a girl, including his parents, but when we were around 11, his voice and body started to change and his parents were concerned for their 'little girl'. Turns out, he had the right genes for a boy but was born with girl parts. He doesn't have the necessary parts to reproduce though, the doctors said it was a good thing or he might have to be at the hospital every month for a week." Taehyung was confused for a moment at the last sentence before it hit him. Menstruation. Yeah, that would've been bad with his condition.

"T-Taehyung? You're not-not mad or disgusted, are you?" Jimin winced and Taehyung felt slight pity for the other. He wondered how long they had been hiding this from everyone, thinking that everyone would judge them and maybe even kick them out.

Maybe it was that that made him pull Jimin closer to him or maybe it was sheer stupidity because Yoongi was right there but did he care? Apparently not. Because the he knew, he and Jimin were kissing and the shorter was kissing back. Did Taehyung feel like he was going to faint? Definitely not.

They parted after what felt like a long, long time and Jimin looked daze with a lazy smile on his now swollen lips. Taehyung turned to Yoongi who had an amused look on his face and the stepped in front of Taehyung, cupping one of his cheek before bringing him down and capturing his lips.

If he dies, someone better write on his grave 'Cause of death: making out with two hot bigs that he's been crushing on for almost a few months'. Yeah, that sounded about right.

"Y-you, uh, oh god." He hid his burning face in his hands and Yoongi smirked.

"Yeah, I know. We're hot. Don't worry though, you'll live." Taehyung didn't believe it, but god damn him if he cared.

"Soo, uhm, does that, ya know, make us...or?" He knew nothing he said made sense but his mind was too fuzzy to feel embarrassed at the moment.

"We're going out tomorrow. Meet us at the park next to school, ok?" Jimin smiled sweetly and kissed him again, long and passionate before letting Yoongi do the same and then they both exited, leaving him stunned.

Who knew those two were when they wanted to be. Not like they weren't at other times

Taehyung was so excited for tomorrow that he didn't get a wink of sleep.

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