Chapter 10

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"W-what-wait a whole ass-"

"Taehyung." Jimin interrupted and he stopped. "We showed you everything about us. We don't have anything else to hide." Yoongi nodded and they both grabbed his hands, pulling him over to what he guessed was the shower.

He felt the bile in his throat when Yoongi took his turtle-neck off, exposing his whole chest and suddenly he felt faint. Jimin did the same before tugging at Taehyung's, let's just say he didn't hesitate to comply.

They didn't stop until they were only in their underwears and Taehyung could see the right way Jimin's hugged him. There was no bump where he and Yoongi had. Furthermore, they were woman's underwear. Taehyung was definitely sure he wasn't breathing anymore and was a zombie at this point.

Jimin was the first one to take off his underwear and Taehyung struggled not to stare, doing the same and then they stepped under the water - that Yoongi had turned on - and let out a sigh under the hot and soothing water.

Yoongi and Jimin stepped in front of him, sighing and humming just like he did. Taehyung tried, he really, really, tried not to look down but he couldn't help it and his eyes met the soft flesh of Jimin's...vagina. He gulped and then looked up, he'd never loved a vagina as much as this one before. He's only...bisexual for Jimin because the thought of other women turned him off so much he was going to throw himself off of a roof.

"Taehyung-ah." He turned to look at Yoongi who pushed the wet hair out of his face and brought him down to push their lips together.

Taehyung's arms automatically wrapped around the older's waist, bringing him closer and opened his mouth, accepting Yoongi's tongue and they battled together. Taehyung letting Yoongi win for now and practically moaned when he bit his lip.

Jimin whined and grabbed Yoongi's shoulders, pulling him into a kiss while Taehyung watched. His cock was standing and hard but he could never ask for them to do anything about it even though he noticed how Yoongi was also hard. He wondered if Jimin was wet too.

"Taehyung, please." Jimin's eyes were glossy and Taehyung wasn't sure if it was because of the water or he was actually tearing up from the pleasure but he didn't care.

This time it him and Jimin, lips molded together as their hands explored each other's body but he specifically avoided Jimin's lower parts because he wasn't sure if the other was okay with, not that Jimin was complaining. This was the most euphoria he's experienced in years.

They separated with a smack and were both breathless.

"Let's finish cleaning up." Jimin smiled and whispered against his lips, giving him one last kiss.

Taehyung was surprised they went through that with nothing else happening - except the many, many, make out sessions they had - and then he was wearing sweatpants that hung low on his hips and a large white t-shirt.

Jimin was in shorts and a pink sweater while Yoongi wore the same grey sweatpants he had but without a shirt. That made it so much hotter and Taehyung, nor Jimin, were complaining.

"Need anything else boys?" Yoongi's mom came inside when Taehyung and Jimin were blow drying each other's hair and Yoongi shook his head, waving his mom off and she left with a smile.

"I'm just going to text my mom since it looks like I'm staying." Yoongi nodded and wrapped his arms around Taehyung's shoulders from behind while Jimin was sprawled in his lap and he wasn't even feeling bothered. Like at all.

He quickly sent his mom a text and then they dragged him to the bed, sandwiching him between them.

Yeah, he could get used to this.

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