Chapter 12

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"It's so big." Yoongi gasped as they saw the house. Definitely, one rich people would be seen coming in and out off. Taehyung scratched the back of his head, face turning red in embarrassment.

"Yeah, well, come on in. My parents should be in the kitchen taking calls so you don't have to worry about meeting him. We'll just go to my room and...stay there." Jimin frowned and was going to ask why but Taehyung had walked inside already and so they decided to follow.

Suddenly, Taehyung smirked. He grabbed them by the waist and pulled them upstairs to his room, giving them a kiss on the cheek before leaving them dumbfounded at the door.

The two stared shellshocked at the room. Surprised - not really - at how big it was. The bed was made of brown wood, and had beige sheets. The room was painted white and everything was either brown or beige which, to Jimin and Yoongi, looked amazing. And he even had a chandelier, albeit a small one, hanging at the edge of the bed so it wouldn't hit him if it so chanced to fall.

"Make yourselves at home."

"Can I jump on the bed?" It was silent for a moment before Taehyung smiled at Yoongi.

"I did say make yourselves at home." That was all it took for Yoongi to drop his bag, take off his jacket and collapse onto the bed. He almost moaned when he felt how soft it was and hugged the sheets tightly.

"This is it. I'm going to die a happy man." Jimin snorted before laughing and his eyes turned to crescent moons. It warmed his heart a lot and he turned pink, he chuckled at Yoongi too. He took Jimin's jacket off and hanged it next to his along with Yoongi's. He moved his hand up and down in front of him and sighed.

"It's hot and I'm sweating buckets. Minnie, Yoons, wanna come in with me?" Jimin nodded while Yoongi placed a pillow over his head.

"You two go ahead, I'm freezing." They both chuckled and Taehyung lead Jimin to the bathroom. He took off his long-sleeved shirt and threw it in the laundry basket. He turned and smiled and Jimin who smiled back before pulling off his own sweater and then his jeans and underwear.

Taehyung switched on the shower head and Jimin shrieked for a moment at the cold water. He snorted and laughed at silver haired male while Jimin pouted and slapped his shoulder.

Through all of this, Taehyung had almost forgotten what Jimin had down there that was different from other males but when his eyes set on the soft flesh, it was like he couldn't breathe.

Jimin had moved under the water once it had warmed up enough and looked the epitome of a sin. Taehyung wanted to sin now.

He got in after him and pressed up behind him, Jimin looked at him over his shoulder and smiled, leaning up slightly to give him a kiss.

Taehyung's has moved up from Jimin's hips, to his waist, to his chest and then wrapped around him completely. The other moaned into his mouth and it sent shockwaves down Taehyung's spine and to his cock.

He stopped, not wanting to make Jimin feel uncomfortable but the older grabbed his hand, bringing it down until he was cupping his soft folds.

"It's okay Taehyung, please..." His voice was shaky and his eyes were closed, mouth parted while his face was flushed a dark red. From the water or this Taehyung wasn't sure.

He gulped and slipped a finger in between, almost moaning when he felt the wet flesh between the folds.

"A-are you sure?" Jimin let out a breathy moan and nodded, so Taehyung did what he thought would make Jimin feel more pleasure. He rubbed his clit, putting pressure on it sometimes until Jimin's legs were quivering and he was close to crying.

"T-Tae, I'm-I'm gonna..." Taehyung rubbed harder and pushed his leg between Jimin's, spreading it apart to get better access. Jimin practically let out a sob as he came, squirting on Taehyung's finger and down his legs but god Taehyung found it so hot that he himself came onto Jimin's back.

He was almost ashamed and quickly tried to hide it.

Jimin's face looked dazed and he swayed a little, bit being able to feel his legs so Taehyung quickly cleaned them up from their release and switched them to the tub, laying behind Jimin to make sure the older didn't sink under the water from drowsiness.

"Are-are you okay?" Jimin leaned back onto him and he hummed.


They stayed like that for a while before the door opened and they looked to see Yoongi there.

"Mind if I join?" Taehyung snorted and Jimin giggled as Yoongi sat down in front of them in the tub, their legs all tangling together as they laughed.

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